Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

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Loved WP8 on my HTC 8X, but begrudgingly moved to Android because of a few missing apps I couldn't do without. Would love to move to W10M, but the 8X is not supported and I can't justify buying another phone so soon. Good luck, everyone!
I am a huge fan of Windows Phone and the entire Microsoft eco-system. I switched to WP7 on a Samsung Focus probably around 5 years ago and I've never looked back. I've been an insider program fast ring adopter since my Lumia 920. I now own my third Lumia 1520 that has a non-functioning GPS sensor and is starting to show its age. When my work gave me a Galaxy S5 the first thing I did was put the Arrow Launcher on it and download all of my Microsoft apps. I try to collect all the neat Microsoft gadgets but my budget only allows so much. I'm a big fan of big Windows Phone and I would use my Lumia 950XL to get my productivity back on track after letting my laggy phone slow me down for the past year or so. I'm excited to find out what more I can create and accomplish with such a capable device in my hands.
I've been wanting a Lumia 950XL since they were announced but Verizon isn't carrying it. If I win this I will open an account of AT&T and be able to use it there! Not really affordable if I have to also buy the Device myself!
I m traditionally a nokia fan..nvr used any other phone...loves WINDOWS PHONE and its simplicity....using 920... need to upgrade now...need a beast LUMIA 950 standout among others... :wink:
I always liked the Lumia family.
Lumia phones have been used two years ago.
Despite the fact that many errors milestone came with this phone.
Unfortunately, I never had a flagship phone because of financial reasons.
I can see that this phone is almost perfect, but it still bugs are coming out from behind the Windows.
I follow the news on a daily basis Windows , I could say I'm obsessed.
I have given up on Windows Phone and bought iPhone 6S. If I win this, I will shurely give it another go and maybe build an app or two.
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