Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

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I have a dinosaur and I'd like to replace it ...Samsung ativ S...One of the remaining testimony of the collaboration with Microsoft :)
Hey guys...I?m lovin that new Lumia 950 and XL Family! I?ve bought an Lumia 1320 and upgraded it to Win Mobile 10- But, there are many Problems with that Phone. Maybe it`s an Problem with the 1GB of RAM and the Dual Core with only 1,7GHz.
Many Luck too all Members!
Grettings too the whole windowscentral Team and there Familys!

Want one to replace my secondary Lumia 521 and my aging Moto X 1st gen. Maybe I could even go Windows full time again... (and only use the Moto for Snapchat :D )
Wow, Windows Central must really be making a lot of money from these contests. There's one almost every month. But who can say NO to free stuff.
Anyway, I just want a high-end Windows Phone and a 950 XL would fill that void pretty nicely with its large screen and great processor as well as all other stuff we all already know about.
I would love to get my hands on an early next generation of lumia. I took a 1520 late in its year and I still love it. it would be fantastic to experience it early and would surely love it as I loved my 1520. :D
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