Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

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With the 950XL I would give away my Ativ S to my little brother which is my last family member left to turn to Windows Phone. I would finally be able to pair my Garmin Fenix 3 with my phone, since it can't be done on windows phone 8.1, etc...
And most importantly, my girlfriend has a better phone now than me (since I got her the lumia 830) and she keeps teasing me about it.
And finally, after turning my family, some friends and my company work phones for windows phones I think I deserve it a little.:angel:

Also I cant afford it after getting my Surface Pro 4.
I'd love to win this phone as I'm keen to put it through it's paces and see how it performs.
Always loved the previous Lumia handsets and need to confirm this one is just as good as the other models.
Started reading your stuff after I got myself a Lumia, it's very nice! Thanks for the giveaway, very cool of you!
I am the proud owner of a Nokia Lumia 920. At the time the flagship phone of the Lumia series. I am interested in the 950XL because it has similar capabilities, but with the added benefit of a user replaceable battery and a "docking" system.

Typically I will keep a phone until it dies or is no longer financially feasible to repair. The 950XL may be a solution to that eventual demise. Personally, I'm not interested an any model that isn't top tier and I really like the Windows Phone OS.

Bottom line... do I deserve a Lumia 950XL? Maybe. Do I need a new phone? No. Would I like to have one? Yes!

Thank you for your time and consideration.
To be honest, I am tired off the sync problems with my Android phone and my Windows live account.
This Lumia 950 XL realy would help me forward!
We love it when Windows Central shares the love like this! Good luck everyone! Looks like a truly amazing phone! :)
I need something new to revitalize my excitement for WP in general. I also hope to get a chance to mess around with the new features.
I am a Windows Developer and it would be a great opportunity for me to get Lumia 950 XL to test and develop new Applications.
-Windows For Life
The first holidays are right around the corner and my good old 920 is slowly dieing. It would be super cool to not carry the 920, a power bank and another camera with me, instead, only one Lumia 950.. Pleeease make this come true :)
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