Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

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Probably I will not win this contest, but I will try to do my best to explain why I would like to have this device.

All comes to my other half, she really loves taking pictures, and as far as I have seen, this phone is perfect for her, that's why I decided to buy one Lumia 950 XL for her, even though it is my dreamed phone (due the fact I'm C# programmer and I really love to experience with new stuff) this devices has a bunch of COOL stuff on it to program and play with... but most important, my girl and I always try to have something equal for both of us, that's why she is my other half :grin: it would be great I could become the winner of this contest so we can both have our dreamed phones.
I would love this phone since I was ripped off on Kickstarter and received a barely functioning phone, then was denied a refund :/
I know I'd like one because I LOVE C#.NET and would like to break out my app deving skills into Windows phone. Currently use Xamarin.iOS all the time for internal business applications.
i want it bcz my love for windows phone is at its peak....right now i am using a lumia 730 and i am extremely satisfied with it....want 1 lumia to gift it to my father...
It's specs are off the charts.... Currently I am using Lumia 535 Dual sim and I am completely satisfied with it's performance.... Interface is user friendly and I haven't noticed it being irresponsive yet.... Besides, I am a student and it would be nice if I had a gadget like this in my pocket in which I could carry my stuffs but I can't even think of affording it.....
Anyway,Best of Luck everyone.... Whoever wins it ,I hope you enjoy it .. :-D :)
I am a committed Windows Phone devotee and would love to give this a home down-under! Would be a really nice upgrade for my Nokia 930!
Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful phone.
As a current Lumia 930 owner, I would love to transition from the last Nokia Lumia Flagship device to the first Microsoft Lumia Flagship.
Hello :) my phone is dying so it would be nice to have a new shiny Lumia... I would use it for anything from phoning to surfing...
My mobile phone fell from the window I hope the next to fall from the sky
Please " windowscentral "make my wish come true.
to put it simply I LOVE LUMIA, been using nokia phones since the start of mobiles never used anything else,been using 930 since release would be nice to move forward to the latest lumia
At the beginning of time was the n900 , but time has passed and it seemed that nothing would happen until one day became light and the 950 XL appeared , are now offering 1 for those who answer what to do with it ... maybe to phone call...

*my first Nokia was a n900
Well. Its been 3 years with my Lumia 925. I would love to get my hands on the latest device (950XL). I love photography and this will be dream come true..

"I cross my fingers and hope to win". :D

Please! Please! Please!
Come on 950XL! Come on 950XL! Come on 950XL!
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