Windows 10 Activation/Upgrade/Clean Install FAQ

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Will Windows 10 activate If I use Windows Local account instead of signing in with Microsoft account? Is Microsoft account need in order to activate Windows 10?

There is no harm in making an account. Just get it over with. Otherwise you're just making things more complicated than necessary for no reason.

You can do an in-place upgrade using nothing but a local account, but you won't be able to do a clean install.
Besides reinstalling W7, you could also just try to repair it. That entails booting W7 from installation media and then selecting the "repair Windows" option.

After repairing I'd try to update IE. If that still doesn't work I'd risk an in-place upgrade to W10 first anyway. If the in-place upgrade succeeds I'd clean install W10 afterwards. If the in-place upgrade fails I'd clean install W7 and then repeat the in-place upgrade to W10.

If your machine runs W7 fine it will also have no problem running W10.

Under all circumstances, make sure you prepare for an eventual disaster scenario, by making a backup of all your personal data before upgrading. That way you won't lose anything important no matter what you do, or what happens. It's worth the peace of mind, even if everything ends up going smoothly.

Unfortunately the recovery media I created was lost in my last move and machine did not come with any discs from manufacturer (bought it 'out of box'). There aren't many files on it , I'm thinking recovery/ system restore at this point.
Unfortunately the recovery media I created was lost in my last move and machine did not come with any discs from manufacturer (bought it 'out of box'). There aren't many files on it , I'm thinking recovery/ system restore at this point.

I don't know if this is relevant in your case, but I would install ProduKey to extract all your product keys. Use your phone to take a picture of the screen. You could use them when reinstalling W7. The "out-of-box" experience on your laptop will show up in ProduKey as (OEM).
Unfortunately the recovery media I created was lost in my last move and machine did not come with any discs from manufacturer (bought it 'out of box'). There aren't many files on it , I'm thinking recovery/ system restore at this point.

You should be able to download the ISO file for Windows 7 from Microsoft's website and create an Install DVD from the ISO. You can then follow a5cent's advice regarding doing the "Repair Windows" option. And, depending on the age and manufacturer of your computer, there is probably a small partition set aside for the manufacturer's system recovery.
1) Under Settings / Update & Security / Activation , what does it say?

2) Under Settings / Accounts / Your Account , does it say you are signed in to your verified Microsoft Account?

3) Open an elevated command prompt and type "sfc /scannow". Does that confirm that your system is in a consistent state?

** windows resource protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them details are included in the cbs.log windir/logs/cbs/cbs/log for exampte c:windows/logs/cbs/cbs note that logging is currently no suppored in offline servicing scenarios.


4) Is the SKU of both Windows installations (what you in-place upgraded from, and what you later clean-installed) identical? Which SKU is that? (PRO, HOME, etc)

pro 8.1
5) Did you upgrade from an insiders preview installation, or directly from W8.x or W7.1?

from win 8 deleted my win 10 partition

6) Are you sure the installation you in-place upgraded from was genuine, activated, and that you logged onto your MS account at least once after upgrading?

yes have receipt from Microsoft

the win 10 update showed up final in my updates.. it downloaded.. started the installation.. then goes to restart system then I get the error screen code

your pc/device needs to be repaired
there isn't enough memory available to create a ramdisk device
error code 0xc0000017
your need to use recover tools if you don't have a installation media like disc or usb
pc dvice manufacturer\\

I hit f9 it starts up my wint 8.1 again no problems\\\\

I got to update history.. its like lather rinse repeat right now.. ugghh..
Unfortunately the recovery media I created was lost in my last move and machine did not come with any discs from manufacturer (bought it 'out of box'). There aren't many files on it , I'm thinking recovery/ system restore at this point.

I updated the FAQ to include links to where W10, W8.1 and W7.1 installation media can be downloaded. All legal and guaranteed malware-free from MS.
If you (or anyone else with problems for that matter) could start off by answering the same set of questions listed in post #106, that would be great.

1) Under Settings / Update & Security / Activation , what does it say?
Windows not activated, error code: 0xC004C003

2) Under Settings / Accounts / Your Account , does it say you are signed in to your verified Microsoft Account?
Yes, it recognizes the email, picture etc...

3) Open an elevated command prompt and type "sfc /scannow". Does that confirm that your system is in a consistent state?
This one was tricky. It found errors, said it was unable to fix them. Then I ran the command in Safe Mode, also didn't work. Tried the DISM command, but it came with a no source error. I resetted my PC from settings, SFC still found problems, so I used my ISO to perform upgrade (not clean install) in order to fix the system files. Now it doesn't show any problems, but the error 0xC004C003 is still there.

4) Is the SKU of both Windows installations (what you in-place upgraded from, and what you later clean-installed) identical? Which SKU is that? (PRO, HOME, etc)
Yes, Pro.

5) Did you upgrade from an insiders preview installation, or directly from W8.x or W7.1?
From Win8.1
6) Are you sure the installation you in-place upgraded from was genuine, activated, and that you logged onto your MS account at least once after upgrading?
Yes, absolutely.

So, now SFC scan shows no errors, but it still doesn't activate. What now? Thanks!
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I got to update history.. its like lather rinse repeat right now.. ugghh..

So, you
1) did a clean-install of W8.1, and installed nothing else beyond what the Windows installer installed
2) installed all updates from WU and reserved W10 again
3) you allowed it to download and then did the W10 update via WU
4) then you got this error message

Is that correct?

How large is the partition you are installing Windows onto?
How much RAM have you got?
So, you
1) did a clean-install of W8.1, and installed nothing else beyond what the Windows installer installed
2) installed all updates from WU and reserved W10 again
3) you allowed it to download and then did the W10 update via WU
4) then you got this error message

Is that correct?

How large is the partition you are installing Windows onto?
How much RAM have you got?

No. I had Win8.1 Pro (I installed it from manufacturer DVD - you know, bloatware, etc..) with all updates. I reserved and upgraded to 10 Pro. It activated successfully, so I burned the Win10 Pro ISO on a DVD and clean installed. It gave me the famous error, so I waited almost 2 days. Then I saw the post, ran the SFC command and it found errors. In order to fix them I reset Win10 from settings. When that didn't help I used my ISO Win10 Pro DVD to perform just an upgrade (Win10 over Win10 to fix system errors), which fixed the SFC scan issues. I did the last several hours ago. The partition is 500 GB, and I have 8 GB of RAM. Error 0xC004C003 still there.
I had problems linking my local and microsoft accounts when I upgraded a pc from 7 to 10. I had added a work account that seemed to change the security permissions. After playing with every setting I knew of, I was not able to get it to work. I changed settings in the advanced IE settings nothing worked. I created a new user and it still did not work. Finally did a refresh of Windows 10 and the same issue. I had to do a clean instal and now I can log in to my Microsoft account.
Upgrade Win 8.1 Retail to Win 10.
Is it ok to do clean install with entirely new hardware PC?
^ Officially, no. That's why information describing your hardware is also associated with your W10 license. Your upgraded license is tied to your machine.
Unofficially, maybe. After installing you'd certainly have to call MS and ask them to reactivate the license on your new computer. I don't know how lenient they will be. If you try that out let us know the results
^ no problem. MS also has a media creation tool for W8.1

Create installation media for Windows 8.1 - Windows Help

Good luck!

I entered my SP3's default product key, and that worked, but after that, Windows Setup says "Something Happened: Setup failed to determine supported install choices." What does that mean, and how do I solve this problem? There weren't any alternate options for me to choose; everything I selected was the only option available.
Does anyone know if there is a way we can see the various hardware IDs we've registered in "the cloud." I like the simplicity of all of this, but being able to see all of my devices would be nice.
I entered my SP3's default product key, and that worked, but after that, Windows Setup says "Something Happened: Setup failed to determine supported install choices." What does that mean, and how do I solve this problem? There weren't any alternate options for me to choose; everything I selected was the only option available.

I never enter a product key after doing the in place upgrade, and then doing clean installs. Once I log in with my Microsoft account it just simply says activated. Just skip all the prompts for the keys and log in AFTER doing an in place upgrade.
I never enter a product key after doing the in place upgrade, and then doing clean installs. Once I log in with my Microsoft account it just simply says activated. Just skip all the prompts for the keys and log in AFTER doing an in place upgrade.

This is for reinstalling default W8.1 image. Product key is required.
The blanket statement, of you can just reinstall for a fresh build is not a valid one.

The effort regarding the 'clean install' does not work as advertised for all computers.

I have a fee machines I used in in the Insider Program. 2 Lenovo X series laptops and 1 Sony Specifically the Sony Vaio P.

The Lenovo's, were Win8 Pro machines, the Sony was WIn7 Ultimate (originally and Win 7 Home OEM provide build).
All were enrolled and running early thru the 10240 Insider Builds.

I tried this so called 'clean install' on the Sony and it failed to fully complete the first time.
On the second attempt, the install did complete, but it prompted for a 'Product Key' about 3 times. When it did complete, all the apps in the 'Start Menu' were note there.
On the third attempt it did compete, but it prompted me for a 'Product key' about 3 times, and I continued to sect skip. All the apps were there, but what I got was Win 10 home, not Win 10 Pro as expected.

So, this 'clean install', is not as advertised and your mileage may vary.

I tried this install multiple times, multiple ways (W7Pro, W8.1Pro, Upgrade in place, the new build using the available 10240 Insider ISO, the public ISO and an MSDN ISO), all with the same result. It would revert back to an unlicensed/activated Win 10 Home install.

My take away is that on certain OEM builds or maybe some OEM builds on these older machines, the Win 10 key cannot be written to the hardware as discussed. Seemingly you can only get Win 10 pro, on some of these older systems as an upgrade in place only or Refresh with wipe all. You cannot boot form a USB/ISO key and fresh build.

Again this was just my experience with this on this Sony Vaio P.

I have not yet tested the Lenovo's mentioned to see what happens with those OEM builds.
I upgarded today to windows 10 and i love it.
when i go to computer info it is showing that i have 32-bit OS, x64-based Processor. i am slightly confused. does this mean i have a 32 bit OS installed but my computer is compatible with 64 bit?
and if so , if i want to clean re-install windows 10 and format the Hardisk and make the windows 64-bit .

will there be any problem like in windows activation or anything else ?????
and is there any way to make the windows 64-bit without the clean re-intall windows 10 method?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated
when i go to computer info it is showing that i have 32-bit OS, x64-based Processor. i am slightly confused. does this mean i have a 32 bit OS installed but my computer is compatible with 64 bit?
and if so , if i want to clean re-install windows 10 and format the Hardisk and make the windows 64-bit .

will there be any problem like in windows activation or anything else ?????
and is there any way to make the windows 64-bit without the clean re-intall windows 10 method?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated

Whether you have a 32bit or 64bit installation is shown under

Start Button Context Menu > System > System Type

Before doing a clean install ensure that your installation is activated (listed in the same place as bit'edness)! For more see posts #134 - #138 in this thread.
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