Windows 10 Mobile build 10549! How do you like it?

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640XL here...

The upgrade process of going back to 8.1 then upgrading was really no big deal. I don't see why anyone who uses a beta version of anything would complain about it. Then again, I usually backup and reinstall windows at least once every 6 months no matter what on my PCs to keep them clean, lean and efficient. I also build a new PC every year or two with the latest in processors, etc.

As for the 10549 build, I get random crashes and bugs sure but they are minor and its a beta - that's how those go. In general though, the OS seems fast and responsive on the 640XL.

I've never been more excited about the Microsoft ecosystem. Even though it took them years to finally nail it, I think Microsoft has it figured out now and I cant wait till it all comes together. Things like being able to answer cell phone text messages from my desktop is an awesome feature that they are working on - cant wait till it is complete.

Lastly I will say this - Bill Gates did a presentation around 5-10 years ago that showed the future of windows. In his demonstration, the cell phone was your computer and you would set it on a desk and the monitor, keyboard and mouse would connect (wirelessly) and you would use it as your computer. Then, you would pick it up, put it in your pocket and go to work. Then you would set the cell phone down on your work desk and same thing - the monitor keyboard and mouse would activate and you would continue to use the cell phone device as your main computer. We are finally seeing the early version of this reality with Continuum.

It was that presentation years ago that has kept me using windows all these years, even through vista and all that. It has kept me from moving completely over to Apple and FINALLY those things are coming together with Windows 10... Glad I stuck around for the ride and I continue to be excited about the future of the Windows ecosystem and the devices.

I certainly plan to get a 950XL. I also hope they are going to actually come out with a Surface Phone next year with the same magnesium case as the surface book and the surfaces. The way things at Microsoft are going now, I even see them taking a lot of business from Apple over the coming year.
Here's the feed back I've submitted so far based on my usage on a Lumia 830. Straight from 8.1 to new build. Followed by a hard-reset:

1) Overall performance: About 85-90% of 8.1. UI still lags somewhat with jitter and graphical glitches. Locksceen (unlocking), Action centre (swipe down), scrolling and returning to start screen as the most noticeable.

2) Live Tiles: Pinning and unpinning a tile may result in a "Ghost" tile: The OS thinks it was pinned, but it's not. Or, unpinned, but remains as a "place holder"...empty space. A reboot may cure it, but seems a little time for the OS to think about it cures it.

3) Slow syncing email. In particular, notifications don't always disappear from glance and lock screen.

4) Calendar app. Something wonky has happened here recently. Going to today's date usually takes you somewhere else. Clicking to exanpd to month view could take you months backwards or forwards. The timeline, or agenda I guess, will show past events instead of beginning at current. Duplicate entries.

5) Mail App. Other than syncing as above, still getting that "Account settings out of date" error.

6) Store. Still getting errors on updates. Won't work in background. Need to install/update one at a time or some fail. Still glitchy, but certainly speed has improved. UI (keyboard etc) won't get out of the way after searching. Apps are showing as not installed when in fact they are.

7) Battery. So far, seems to be on par with 8.1. Still monitoring, though.

That's it so far. I haven't tested everything yet, though.

Still, I certainly see an improvement in performance. Just a little more work to do. It's pretty close to DD territory now, but not quite. Plus, I don't think they've fixed the longer-term degradation issue yet, either. Only time will tell the tale there.
Lumia 640 after reset has been buggier than ever. Worse than the Las build. It lags, screen flashes often, apps don't open or take forever to pin. Ghosting. Edge browser sometimes doesnt display text in the address bar. Action center delay. Etc etc
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Lumia 640 after reset has been buggier than ever. Worse than the Las build. It lags, screen flashes often, apps don't open or take forever to pin.

I agree. I have latest build running On several different Hardware. 640xl,930,1520, and it's not a pleasant experience. I did a hard reset after each install and the os is still far from anything that is 8.1 terms of usability. What Hardware is everyone using that claims that current build runs better than 8.1? I'm just not seeing it in various Hardware. I have an 822 (8.1) that's running circles around anything running 549 build. If my 950xl runs anything like current that builds and I will be unhappy. Time will tell. I have faith......
Lumia 930 here. Haven't tried to download Tweetium yet, but I have same issue with video not working via the Lumia Camera app. I also have a periodic problem of white text when typing in the address bar of Edge. I had one issue of the phone screen turning off every ten seconds; it resolved after a soft reset.
anyone sick of transparent tiles? I'm tired of them and need an option to have default app icons. Even the solid colored background dont cut it anymore.
hey J4rrod, doing that simply gets rid of the colored square behind the app icons. hoping they could make the transparency optional across the board especially on the official apps.... 6tag, paypal, and a few other apps have this option.
I have a lot of aps that become unresponsive and even when closed will fail to re open untill ive locked & unlocked my phone a couple of time...anyone else ???
Not bad for me on my 640. Doesn't start up quite as fast and the odd quirk here and there but more than useable as a daily driver (fingers crossed).
Hey people, I want to clarify my doubts. Anybody care to answer me?. Is this released for fast ring insiders or slow ring insiders? Plus I saw some posts telling people to roll back to 8.1. Tell me, is this only for fast ring insiders or do the slow ring insiders have to do this too?(I mean the rolling back to 8.1 stuff)
it seems several resets took care of the job. The first one brought back glance screen and display, the second brought back touch settings. And have you noticed micosoft has completely removed these app from the microsoft store, they are not found by the system app pusher or the qr codes i have saved for these apps whereas previously they were atleast present in the store albeit not available for download.
Hey people, I want to clarify my doubts. Anybody care to answer me?. Is this released for fast ring insiders or slow ring insiders? Plus I saw some posts telling people to roll back to 8.1. Tell me, is this only for fast ring insiders or do the slow ring insiders have to do this too?(I mean the rolling back to 8.1 stuff)
As far as I know this is only for fast ring only
so yes you have to roll back to 8.1
when the slow ring comes for rollout
they will probably have a work around so you do not have to roll back
I think Gabe Aul said they were looking to fix this
for the next build so you do not go back to 8.1
Much happier today than I was the first 24+ hours.
Once the messaging app finally caught up (synced with cloud), the battery consumption all but stopped and the response overall improved. Not sure why the background task of the messaging app was so intense and slooooow?

I suspect the recent coding-in the Skype features introduced this bug.

Otherwise, very nice build. I think the team is zeroing in on rtm. Much appreciated!
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