New member
- Apr 4, 2014
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Hi! I install w10m today, and i'm use it couple of hours. In my opinion it still not a daily driver. I don't know, did someone having problems with Skype? I can't call any one on video call. Try to call, it crash, if not, it calling but I can turn on video. Next problem. When you start record video, first couple of sec, picture stops, freezes up, and then it records normal. And when you play that video in gallery, that freez, you can see it. Then, edge. When i try to go to some sub menu (drop menu), I have to press like 5 times to that menu to drop down, that I can select what I want. Does anyone else have thees problems? My Lumia is 735
p.s. sorry if my english is bad
You should give it some time, if you can. Go into the store and check for updates, I believe Skype was updated. MS has a lot of app updates. Sorry, I don't use Skype though. It takes a little time for the phone to get stable. Groove music and messaging crashed for me, but are OK now.
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