Windows 10 Mobile build 14965 Discussion (Redstone 2; Slow Ring)

L950, build 14965.1001

Tapping the thumbnail icon in the photo app after taking a photo sometimes results in a black screen. The back arrow and home icon are both functional and allow escaping the black screen.

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L950 build 14965.1001 (upgraded from 14959 and then FDR)

After VERY good and stable standby drain on 14959 (0.6%/hour overnight), 14965 once again has standby issues, with the same set of minimal apps. I left the house with a full battery, spent a couple hours in a movie theater (possible poor signal) and when I left the theater I noticed the phone was warm in my pocket and the battery gauge was at about 50%. This is AFTER an upgrade to 14965 and a FDR (with restore). Between leaving the house and noticing the phone was warm, I did not use the phone at all except to unlock it to set it to vibrate only. The only thing running in the background is Google calendar sync (set for every two hours).

Examining the battery stats seems to indicate Cortana accounted for most of the battery drain, with most of that in the background. During the period in question, Cortana was not (intentionally, anyway) invoked. Cortana is set to NOT respond to "Hey Cortana" but IS set to respond to a long press of the search icon while locked.

Having very recently switched from the Anniversary Update, I can say with complete certainly that the battery is not as good under the current build. It's not terribly bad either though, just not as good as it was. A 50% drain in two hours as per the post above is a pretty serious problem though, there's no way you'll make it through the day like that...
Well..... after rebooting and setting Cortana to never run in the background, I left the phone overnight on WiFi, with a strong ATT signal, BT enabled but not connected, NFC off, DTTW and DTTS both enabled. The standby drain the next morning was 0.4%/hour. That is outstanding and only about 0.1%/hour worse than my Nexus 5X on Android 7.1 beta (which I consider my benchmark).

So it would seem that my issue yesterday was not build 14965 per se, but more that some process like Cortana ran amok and drained the battery. That needs to be dealt with.

I have temporarily set Cortana to never run in the background and not to respond to a long press of the search icon while locked. Lets see if the issue recurs.

For me at least, these background process issues are VERY long standing in both WP and Android. Android seems to have cleaned up its act recently and WP is also making progress (0.4%/hour is VERY good). As I recall, the production build on my 950 could do about 1%/hour in standby under similar conditions. I started my WP journey on an 820 running WP 8.1 but gave up on it when I found that the battery drain in standby was very erratic. I could never rely on having usable battery left if I left the phone unattended for a day.

"No Internet" wifi bug seems worse than ever on this build on my 950XL DS. Happened 3-4 times yesterday while I was home on wifi all day. Fix is easy (just turn wifi off and on again), but still annoying.
This build seems pretty ok, nothing hugely problematic, I still get random crashed on tweetium but that happened after the last build as well.

As far as battery drain on the Lumia 950 it seems it battery drains really quickly when on 4G and does not drain much on LTE. Also when on LTE the battery drain badly when actual using programs.

My bacjground battery drain when on LTE and not using anything is really good wish they would fix it so nromal app usage or getting out of LTE range and toggling to 4G does not kill the battery
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Yet another issue with the camera, quite often if while the phone is in a locked state, I press the camera button, the phone should show the viewfinder/camera, but what actually happens is that the camera is actually activated but not the screen. So you think it hasn't started the camera app, so you press the camera button again, only to hear it take a picture.

Sometimes pressing the unlock button brings up the lock screen as normal, but the screen does not respond to touch so you can't swipe up and enter the pin, you have to lock, then unlock it again and then the screen responds normally.

Yea this happens to me alot, also it seems glance screen gets in the way of launching the camera app with the button. Hope they fix this soon
Yea this happens to me alot, also it seems glance screen gets in the way of launching the camera app with the button. Hope they fix this soon

It always make me feel a little better knowing it's not just me...
I also had very high battery drain, due to Cortana, on this build. My 950XL would get hot to the touch as well. Battery lasted less than 3 hours from a full charge. I sadly ended up using WDRT and now I am not in the Insider Program right now because the battery drains too quick on this build.
Hi guys,

since this build, the banner notifications for Outlook Mail accounts are gone. However, sound and vibration notifications are still working, so do all other banner notifications (messages etc.) do. It's just Mail that is broken. Notifications on Glance / Lock screen aren't affected.

Did a full reset via WDRT, but no luck - facing the same issue again. Any of you with similar issues?


Lumia 550
Pinch to zoom on photos is inconsistent too, can't do it most of the time. Might only be on recently taken pictures, but it's definitely an issue (for me at least).

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