Now on build 10586.29 and I regret updating. I am getting the error 0x80073CF9 while installing (some) apps from the Store, for the first time since I had joined the insider program for mobile.
Relax, is a temporary store error due to migration, it resolves by itself in two three days
How is the new build 10586.29 on Lumia 730 in terms of bettery performance ?? ..coz in the last build battery performance was not good, i had to revert to wp 8.1..
It's not necessary, but expirience will be much better, at least for some people. My battery was draining before I did hard reset. And it's same with every w10m update for me.I have L535 on build .11. Is it necessary to do hard reset after updating to .29? How is the performance without hard reset?
Thanks to you Sir, battery life on Lumia 730 is now stable..It's good for me after hard reset. Simmilar to .11 and simmilar to 8.1.2. Just do the hard reset after update, turn on unnecessary background apps and wait few days till it stabilise. It'll be good.
I have a strange problem with "All app" list. When I go to this menu from main start menu, it have "darkened" background, so I can clearly see app list. Then I open an app from menu, and click back. Now background is really bright so It's hard to see app names.
Sorry to repeat earlier post, but anyone got a fully working L925 with WP10?
If so how?