Re: Windows Phone 10 features wishlist
before know this thread, i have posted the same thing but different idea
here, also i forgot some idea, i will post it here
Actionable Notification
when a toast notification comes out, you swipe down for actionable notification. If you are allowed to do action on that notification, it will show buttons, input textbox, or any other thing. If not, it show detail of the notification by default (now you can see full details of the notification).
default swipe down show notification center, now when you hold the notification, it show actionable notification like you swipe down toast notification.
Notification Page
Notification Page show list of ALL notification that has been received, it will not be deleted when you read/open it by default. Notification page located on the left side of the start menu. You set after a period, the notification will be deleted (default 7 days, has read and open).
Tap to expand notification and become actionable notification, double tap to read message from app, hold to choose option (delete, mark as read, mark as unread, and more), with multiple chooser for choosing notification.
Advanced/Unified Messaging Hub
installed apps are allowed to port to Messaging hub without a pain, just set "MESSAGING_HUB" to true for developers, and this app will automatically allowed to port to messaging hub. Messaging hub will show selected apps (by you) and display it with panorama style (with smaller title) and separated by apps and default SMS.