Windows 10 Mobile - Wishlist (pre 10586.164)

Re: Windows Phone 10 features wishlist

My top Whislist:

  • Add Actionable Notifications (in toasts or in action center). It would be good to answer notifications while we`re doing something like to answer a text message or a whatsapp, emails, posting a status in Faceboo.
  • More Personalization in background, adding many colors.
  • A native recorder app
  • Full integration Cortana.

[*]Interactive Tiles

Why not do we post our whislists in windows phone uservoice?
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I wish Very important features-
1- actionable notification centre, with all setting in available in action centre with facebook status and a internet speed meter that's show current internet speed/sec.
2- a very important feature background downloading in 2g network with no any limitations and downloads show in action centre.
3- wifi direct setting
4-Bluetooth file received folder show in file manager.
5- a default windows style file manager with support recycle bin.
6- new lock screen with music player and support pattern lock,maze lock,finger print lock.
7- important feature music player that's support equalizer and play music in high sound and change music using tiles and make styles Xbox music.
8- running internet and apps after minimize application.
9- add application interface in start screen ex- fb messenger work without open the app in android.
10- add support flash player and support java.
11- make start screen more then styles and also start screen show in landscape view.
i am sure if Microsoft add all of those features windows overtake the android and ios...
Re: Windows Phone 10 features wishlist

Microsoft needs to give us some hints about the upcoming features of Windows phone 10...
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

The list is long but v. well thought through. If MS is going to contend with Android, they need to pay attention to your polite critique.
Windows Phone 10 features wishlist

my wishlist about next windows phone OS is more integrated app to running and give same notification from windows 10 to windows phone 10

windows phone need more easy integration to migrate document and pdf from windows.
Re: Windows Phone 10 features wishlist

New design language introduced,live tiles can be better and whole new setting's interface ,music and video app.Even a concept video in YouTube can better than Xbox music design team.
Windows phone 10 should have a clean and an effective file sharing system, the file app is very limited functional and receiving multiple files via Bluetooth is hell.
Much more transition animation and gesture based UI. The only gestures currently available is swipe down for action center and on task manger swipe down to kill individual apps.
More colour options just having the black and white colour is not helping Windows.
More translucency.they can have it WINDOWS 7 why can't for windows phone 10 .
More refined action center......
Re: Windows Phone 10 features wishlist

One thing I really want is better casting, mirroring, and airplay integration in the OS. No more Play To type apps, just simple and easy- always an option in the little 'three dot' pop up menu in the bottom left corner of apps, and also in the action center for mirroring.
Re: Windows Phone 10 features wishlist

One thing I really want is better casting, mirroring, and airplay integration in the OS. No more Play To type apps, just simple and easy- always an option in the little 'three dot' pop up menu in the bottom left corner of apps, and also in the action center for mirroring.
It's already available for newer chipsets in 8.1
Re: Windows Phone 10 features wishlist

Ability to turn off hovering over sidebar. Wait, can you do that right now?
Re: Windows Phone 10 features wishlist

Customization of start screen with background image and other things for customization.

Also possibility to install TouchPal and SwiftKeyboard keyborad, since WP does not support other keyboards.

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