Windows 10 Mobile - Wishlist (pre 10586.164)

Re: Windows Phone 10 features wishlist

I really want the in built alarms app to be updated. It has to do more than just alarms; for starters, the live tile shows the current time, the app to have more than just alarms option. Options like the world clock, stopwatch, etc
Re: Windows Phone 10 features wishlist

Looking at Android right now. I will be keeping my 1520 though just in case Windows 10 for Phone gets it right.

Here's what I need:
Imo, these should be the TOP priorities
1. A better music player
2. Gapless playback
3. Scrobbling for Spotify and I'm going to ditch my Android plans!

Some selfish requests of mine:
4. Faster camera (well we're getting it with Denim so no sweat)
5. A better app for Emails. WP Email is doing the job but I want more features and better synchronization.
6. Interactive live tiles
7. Extra Large tile (like in Windows 8.1, 10 Preview)
8. Multitasking (my 1520 is ready!)
9. A "close all" function on closing apps
10. Better MSN apps. I have an Android tablet and they are better and faster on it than my WP. WTF?
11. New interface (not really necessary but I think it's time. I'm not saying they should completely redesign the interface but at least optimize and make improvements)

Wishful thinking:
12. Bring back the unified facebook and messaging hub. It was SUPER useful for me. But I know this wont happen.

That's it, actually.

Also, I want a smaller flagship with microSD support. Like 5 inches. I'm definitely ditching my 1520 if that happens. The 930 had a shot but I turned it down because of the lack of SD support
Re: Windows Phone 10 features wishlist

HomeGroup functionality would be absolutely awesome..
Re: Windows Phone 10 features wishlist

I thought of this using Kid's Corner for the first time, and playing with Apps Corner. I would love to see some sort of guest mode on the phone, which could basically be an implementation of the guest account on desktop. This could take the place of the Apps Corner while adding more functionality. As I'm thinking of it, it would have the following:
  • The current ability to have a custom selection of apps in a completely separate space.
  • An environment completely separate from the main account, where all apps are on a clean slate and accounts for email, Facebook, etc. have to be entered each time the guest account is opened.
  • Completely separated Messaging and Phone apps. The guest account would have no access to the phone's texting and call history, and threads created during a guest account session would be deleted at the end. Incoming calls and messages would only come up as a simple toast notification saying that a call or message was received (and calls could be answered by opening it and then entering the lock screen password), or there could be an option to completely silence them. Texts and calls would only come through if that phone number was texted or called during that guest account session.
  • Silencing of all other primary account notifications (perhaps as an option).
  • A separate notification center or none.
  • Limited or no settings.
  • Cortana without personalization.
  • Perhaps the option to allow certain apps to have the same data as the primary account.
  • Easier access than Apps Center, like swiping to the right from the lock screen. Also a quicker return to the main account.
This feature would give the same functionality as Apps Center (handing your phone to someone for them to demo) while making it more private. It would also be very helpful for those times when your friend wants to borrow your phone to make a call or look up something. I personally don't like people seeing my message notifications and whatnot when they use my phone.

Kid's Corner could also be implemented as another account in this same way, but probably with more options for limiting capabilities. It would make sense to have separate but more persistent memory for this kind of account, as the same children would probably be using it, and they would probably want their game progress saved (with games being one of the biggest reasons for Kid's Corner). It would also be nice if this separate memory included games, so you can have children play them without having to worry about what games they could mess up.
Re: Windows Phone 10 features wishlist

What will make Windows Phone 10 great and well marketable would be:

1. Android App Support (This honestly is a major seller in the phone industry). If anything Windows Phone needs to be more open sourced.

2. Competitive (surface build quality phones, maybe a surface phone!) an prices.

3. More Phone manufacturer vendors, (Samsung, HTC, Huawei, Xiaomi, Sony, LG)

Better integration with Windows Systems. I suspect this will be better with Windows 10.
Re: Windows Phone 10 features wishlist

1. New UI Design. I like the looks on wp8 start screen and app list, it colorful yet simple. It's a total opposite when you open say the settings screen. It's just black and white. Too dull.
2. Faster or shorter transition. Whichever works. Or have the ability to turn-off the transition.
3. Ability to use app's icon true colors on tiles of start screen. Just like on Windows 8 start screen.
4. Categorize the settings screen and should be in alphabetical order.
5. Bring back the WP8 looks of the Photos app.
6. Improve accuracy when searching apps on Windows Phone Store
Re: Windows Phone 10 features wishlist

wireless file protocols that could allow "Windows Phone 10" devices to send and receive files between phones and PCs. Unlike the current method that requires a USB cable.

Cortana and that similar to swype keyboard on many more languages including swedish.

OpenGL support ? I know that Windows are supporting opengl 3.1 but from what i understand the WP doesnt support it. If true, fix that will give us loads of games, Iphone and Android are on Opengl.

You might be able to do this already but othervise to be able to separate volume on Alarm and phone i want that.
re: Microsoft Phone 10 wanted features.

Sorry if this has already been suggested. I've been trying figure out how to pin my mum's flight itinerary to her start screen as a PDF. After jumping through a few hoops with OneDrive to get the file onto the phone (instead of just into the PDF reader) and finding that I can't pin it anyway, I have a couple of suggestions...

  1. Save to.../Save as...
    Basically instead of forcing you to open a file in an app, you should be able to choose to save a file in a folder on your phone. You can already do this by plugging a phone into a PC or using OneDrive. Why not give the option to choose the location when saving email attachments? Would make things a lot more simple to save a PDF straight to the documents folder instead of going save to PDF Reader -> share to OneDrive -> save to Documents folder.​
  2. Pin anything to start screen.
    This is obvious. You should be able to pin anything and everything to the start screen. Apps, songs, videos, photos, documents... anything. If I need quick access to a PDF I would prefer to have it pinned to my start screen rather than the app that it's accessed through. This could be a simple matter of adding "pin to start" to the Files app.​

I have a few other suggestions to give that I wouldn't have thought of without having to assist family members, I'll come back and post them when I remember.
re: Microsoft Phone 10 wanted features.

The key thing I'm hoping for is landscape mode and further enhancements for phablets like the 1520. Something in between current wp8.1 and W8.1 RT
re: Microsoft Phone 10 wanted features.

1. Better music and video player
2. Faster and fluid UI
3 overhaul the store UI to beat ios desiqn, and add family sharing features so i can share purchased apps to my circles
4. Add high quality editors to store so i can see great apps
5. Improve the xbox integration to it's games so it useful for achievement and social
6. Improve the UI on setting zone, with well listed categories like on ios
7. Interactive live tile
8. Make cortana worldwide version, so the countries that haven't supported yet their language can taste cortana
9. Make the multi windows feature for big screen, maybe 5" or higher are optimal
10. Make the music and movie store worldwide, so i can taste xbox music and video, just like ios did
11. Make msn apps are up to date and optimized for windows 10 and cortana
12. Make microsoft studios work hard for making games for windows10 mobile
13. Im forget.., add bundles feature on store so i can buy games for good
14. Make office on windows 10 phone is far better than ios and android version
15. Make the new interactive fun animations found around the UI of windows 10 phone, like achievement animation on xbox one to be same on windows 10 phone

Thats all.. Nadela is our last hope for future of windows fan.. Make it awesome! Make it as BOOM as Nuke MS!! Bring competitors down far.. :)
re: Microsoft Phone 10 wanted features.

8. Make cortana worldwide version, so the countries that haven't supported yet their language can taste cortana
I think this is a good one. Have an English Worldwide version of Cortana that has very basic features just so people can at least use the quiet hours/reminder/favourite places functionality. A lot of features are straight up locked out if you don't have Cortana enabled, which is dumb.

I'd also like to once again state that I think Cortana's speech language should be independent of the phone's language settings.
re: Microsoft Phone 10 wanted features.

Static IP option and ability to receive all latest possible updates to older Devices too
re: Microsoft Phone 10 wanted features.

The biggest issue I see with Windows 10 is the retirement of Metro and the move to a top-focused navigation menu with hamburger. I get the business reasons for this move, but I don't think the over-the-top lamentations about how bad this is are entirely off base.

The feature I'd propose is one that allows the user to select a "top" or "bottom" navigation menu placement. Make this a OS/SDK level thing so that developers who want to use it can enable it for their apps. Basically the two navigation menus will be the same, same order of buttons, same hamburger, same back arrow and stack. The difference is just placement. The hamburger lives in the lower left corner, the action buttons across the bottom of the screen, the menu tray slides out and the options are listed in reverse order building up from the bottom. Very thumb friendly.

If you're a Android or Windows 10 tablet users switching to WP10, you can stick with the top placement if you want.
re: Microsoft Phone 10 wanted features.

I desperately want Windows 10 to natively support CalDAV calendar app integration so my non-EAS Zimbra/Beehive account at work is compatible with the new flagship Windows phone.

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