Windows 10 Mobile - Wishlist (pre 10586.164)

re: Microsoft Phone 10 wanted features.

The whole hamburger menu thing seems... I dunno... superfluous? Like, didn't we have that drag up menu from the bottom of the screen so all that stuff would be easy to reach? Hamburger menu buttons at the top of the display seem really unfriendly to one handed use.
re: Microsoft Phone 10 wanted features.

Fix the email client so that it supports landscape mode. when i have a long line of text and rotate the phone so that i can read it on a single line, i do not want the font size to increase. and no even zooming out doesn't work.
re: Microsoft Phone 10 wanted features.

I'd like to see one feature in Live Tiles: every tile is transparent while there aren't any notifications but the moment there's a notification, the tile displays relevant information such as what LINE does now.
re: Microsoft Phone 10 wanted features.

How about a swipe keyboard for small tablets. Typing on my Stream 7 is a pain after using swipe on my phone for all these months.

Also, Bluetooth keyboard and mouse support so I can use my phone as a computer when I don't need to do much heavy lifting ( data entry in Office for example).

I really hope they cleaned up the settings menus. What a disaster.

USB OTG would be a nice addition too if it's possible in current hardware.

Full Wi-Fi printer support for phones.

Consolidated camera app. Why can't panorama and refocus be options on the Lumia camera app?

Lumia camera app as the default for all OEMs.

Here full offline maps and nav for all phones and tablets.

Media streaming over network.

Auto sync over Wi-Fi (still bitter loosing that after W7).

Full multi account access on phones.

The ability to decide the color of each tile.
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

Android apps. They are would need to be posted on the new Win10 app store, and wouldn't be as cool a true Win10 apps, but it would end the app gap complaint and hopefully improve Win10 adoption. With more users, then developers might then be encouraged to build a Win version that did cool things like Cortana integration, etc.

I don't see a massive downside at this point.
re: Microsoft Phone 10 wanted features.

2. transparent tile options for all live tiles, even the 3rd party ones
3. The retrn of the tile background image with paralax effect. I don't want and like the image background option
4. introduction of more live tiles sizes, especially the biggest square one. Also would like to see some more live tile size options such as smaller rectangles horizontally and vertically and the current rectangle live tile oriented verically.
5. interactive live tiles (it's already been teased by a microsoft employee, no way back now!)
6. overall improvement of live tile functionality. improve live tile refresh times. Currently it's limited to a minimum of one minute. Would be nice if t could be improved to 1 sec (e.g. for gps and clock and traintimes live tiles)
7. smaller black space distance between live tiles

Notification tray:
1. I like the new upgrade. No comment or wishes there

App list
1. adding filter options to the app list like currently in windows 8.1 like list according to name, installation date, recent updates etc.)

Settings menu
1. Again like the app list I would like to see some filter options e.g. according to name installation or update date or most frequently used and most relevant.

2. settings for email: add more options for downloadfrequencies for all email types manual, always, every 2-8 hours.

3. phone app: integrate it in the people hub and finally make it possible to use smartdialing of contacts via the dialer.

Right swipe

Use this functionality for quick app switching between preselected or preprogrammed apps e.g. oneonte, calendar, email, calculator.

Outlook- would like to see the possibility of more easily attaching pdfs and office documents as attachment via outlook.
Office: now that editing options have increased, I would finally like to see support for bluetooth keyboard stack support for all phones running windows 10, just like the good times of windows mobile.

2. Would lke to see a button or function to more easily add an email as a calendar item. Outlook for the desktop has had it for years. it was gone ever since outlook for the interent and windows 8 was made. It needs to come back. I need it.

3. I want to see the messaging app with skype embedded as part of the people hub. Makes all sense to have contacts and messaging all in one spot. It stays true to the previous windows philosophy.
4. With messaging I want to see plug ins for whatsapp and facebook chat/messaging. The future of winodws 10 should be to do more with less. The philsopy of having seperate facebook, whatsapp, messanging and peoples hub apps is extremely old fashioned in inefficient and couterproductive.
5. Photos app. I would like to see a filemanager where I can see and edit both 5 mpix and 16 or 16+ mpix photos in the corresponding high end devices.
6. In lumia camera app I would like to see a timelapse function.
7.In maps app, I would like to see support for bike and offroad maps
8. a uniform app experience in the top 50 most wanted apps for windows phone. E.g the design of facebook and whatsapp is off compared to the overal windows phone end user design and functionality. Also think about the ergonomics. Designwise it may be fashionable to have a hamburger menu up top, but on a phone many handelings are prefered with singls handed use. Using menus at the top does not help and forces two handed use.
1. Priority: support ALL LANGUAGES!!! (7-25 LANGUAGES IS NOT ENOUGH).
2. integrate map destination option result to here drive +. It would fit in. more coherent universal experience. E.g. You want a sunday drive to a park 30 milies out of town. Cortana figures it out and routes a destination. With a touch of a button the results is exported to here drive + for route navigation for the car.

Windows 10 OS
1. Introduce or replace kids corner (as an example) a frugal mode where the most used essential apps for offline use and minimal batteryuse are clustered. Color is switched to black and white user interface. Examples are example basic apps, office and reading apps in frugal mode, maybe one simple game.
re: Microsoft Phone 10 wanted features.

1. We need an led light of Windows symbol on Windows phone... In coming Microsoft Lumia devices... ( the led light or the whole screen should wake up, whenever a call, messages, fb or Skype alerts)

2. In settings... The storage part is really messy,,,, it doesn't show how much the app takes,, in 8.1 update 1, it shows only limited app details and I have observed that settings shows about 1 GB storage, what the heck is this..... I hope windows 10 will fix that.

3. You should add a STOP button for both music and video.. In app as well as in the live tile....

4. In store I cant find when I search for an update for settings like network, access point, audio, touch, display.... Please add this feature...

5. Add speech input for what's app and hike too.... And also in store....

6. We are missing the YouTube and Facebook very badly... Plz bring and extraordinary update to fb and utube....

6. File sharing is really tough in windows phone.... In what's app and hike.... We can't send songs and videos, ofcoz we can send camera videos but not other videos... Plz fix dis....

7. Landscape and Portrait support in EVERY AREA.......

8. Calender is really messy, if I have two or more events, it shows only one event on live tile.... It doesn't sync with facebook up to date...... Bring the whole calender app to Windows phone
re: Microsoft Phone 10 wanted features.

is the name finalized as 'Windows 10 for Phones'?
re: Microsoft Phone 10 wanted features.

Hahaha! Most of you think RT is dead, but you will have to think again...
Windows Uservoice: /forums/265757-windows-feature-suggestions/suggestions/6999761-add-rt-or-full-windows-with-legacy-desktop-disa
I hope you can share it! <3 <3 <3
Thank you for reading! May our opinions bring the best Windows ever!!

Edit: I forgot that I can't post links yet, so you will have to enter windows.uservoice com first... sorry :sweaty:
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

I wish there was an option to hide games in the app list and only show them in the games hub
re: Microsoft Phone 10 wanted features.

Nice New Features Shown In 21st JAN event by MS for windows 10 for Mobiles :
1. New Call & Messaging Interface
2. More Toggles on action center
3. Nice Universal Apps Like photos and Music
4. Grouping apps in app List
5. Skype Default Integration

Microsoft should at least implement Following Things in Windows 10 For Mobile In Its First Update :
1. Interactive Tiles
2. Background In App List Also
3. Picture Password in Lock Screen
4. Loading and resuming while switching apps(apps UI are allowed to Run in Background and Updated Frequently)
5. Cortana should be able to handle calls and send Email
6. Torrent which works on peer to peer system should allowed to do background downloading
7. Give Apps acess To enable WiFi direct For file transfer
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

nah i think a tiled view for settings would be cool but the list view would still remain like how in regular windows there is category view and list view with small or large icons.

if MS does not go with the tiles i would like it organised into the following categories (i understand you with the tiles part but categories would be cool)
- Start + Theme
- Ringtones + Sounds
- Lock screen
- Notification + actions

Wireless + Networks
- airplane mode
- Bluetooth
- Cell + Sim
- Internet Sharing
- Network+

Email + Accounts
- typical add accounts
- backup
- sync my settings
- workplace

Display (usual items under display +)
- glance
- touch
- project my screen
- screen rotation
- brightness

- accessories
- call + Sms Filter and settings
- audio
- extras + info
- about
- phone update

Ease of Access (usual stuff under this)

Region + language
- keyboard
- speech
- region
- language
- date + time

Sense + More
- data sense
- battery sense
- storage sense
- feedback
- advertising id
- quiet hours
- driving mode
- find my phone
- kids corner

You forgot gps :)
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

that's touchwiz! i think the windows way is better

It's a nice render. On paper and in render it looks nice, but I think in reliaty the will probably be a question of the end user experience. I think for windows phone if people actually want multitasking by actually having two apps side by side, like snapping in windows 7 and 8.x, you need the screen real estate and correct proportianlly app rendering as well. As presented in this render the experience will be a poor one because a normal render of the facebook app and (apparantly) a messaging app are projected. The scrolling with the finfer in each app section is error prone and a cumbersome experience of having to search what you are looking for in a small square in part of the screen. The end user will complain of the rendering issue, so if you want to do this correctly you might consider rerendering the app to a different rescaling of the app, so the the most essential can be done in the field that's present. That's also the achilles heal of this function. It will only be as good as the screen realestate you have availbe. Thus this experience will be better in a lumia 1520 than a 520 or 535. Food for thought.
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

Split Screen Mode in Windows Phone (woooo its le Snap) :evil:

How it works
1) Slide in from the left to the center of display. This opens the split screen app picker and shows instruction at the top of the screen.
2) Drag an app's icon to either the upper or lower portions of the screen. This results in the instructions fading away and the screen is boxed off with a splash screen icon and colour half is bbm and other half is FB in their unique colours. NB divider bar is present at this point.
3) release the app and the screen splits readjusting the apps to fit and within two seconds the Split screen app picker slides out of view.
4) you can also do the same by going to running apps view and dragging an up to the upper half or lower half of the screen.

Used my BBM 2.0 UI design for BBM in case you were wondering. will post that soon
Split screen app picker pushes apps to the right a bit when it slides into view and takes up little space.

View attachment 76586View attachment 76587
View attachment 76588View attachment 76589
Nice render, but I think a solution needs to be found for the blown up rendering of facebook and the (I presume) messaging app. I can imagine though that you could run into an error prone and intensive finger scrolling and searching. That could lead to a poor end user experience, especiall on a smaller screen like a smartphone. Size of screen will determine how good this experience is and if people could want and use this in reality. On a lumia 1520 it would most likely be a better user experience than say a lumia 520 or 535. I believe this function is best reserved with devices with a larger screen real estate, example screen sizes > 8 inches.
re: Microsoft Phone 10 wanted features.

I think it'd be rad if instead of just having the beep when you activate Cortana through voice with "Hey Cortana" she instead responded "Yes, <name>?".
Some people probably wouldn't like this, so you could make it an option in settings. But I think this would add a LOT of personality to the digital assistant.
re: Microsoft Phone 10 wanted features.

I want haptic feedback for windows phone, even after more than year owning lumia 1020, I cannot get used to this keyboard, still making a lot of mistakes

also, I want better multitasking, resuming screen is boring, then, sometimes when you upload something on facebook, you have to stay in app, otherwise, upload will be canceled

it will be good if we see some changes on UI, something like this, better utilization on dispaly
not exactly the same, but something smilar
re: Microsoft Phone 10 wanted features.

Search needs to be improved, if you don't have a good cellular data connection then it's difficult to use the current search model even just to find a contact or an app. It needs to intelligently and quickly find local stuff first, like contacts, messages, apps, etc and then pull web results and onedrive results in the background if connection is available.

The way it works now is you have to swipe over to 'Phone' to get local contacts and if it can't get a data connection it doesn't quickly do this. I realise you could just go into the People app but sometimes it's easier to just to hit search button and type what I want.

Quick Actions/Toggles
Would like to see shortcut to flashlight and some important apps like camera, calculator, alarms, maps, etc. The only concern I have is how they fit this in action centre without it looking messy!
re: Microsoft Phone 10 wanted features.

Has anyone said x265/HEVC codec support? Because I feel like that's going to be crucial in the coming years.

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