Windows 10 Mobile - Wishlist (pre 10586.164)

i have installed WIN10 today on my Lumia 1520 and below is what i have experienced so far :

1. Phone freeze if SIM card is protected by a pin code - i remove the pin and it did not freeze anymore
2. cannot access lock screen, if i use a third app like 'live lock beta' it freeze the phone - i have uninstalled 'live lock beta'
3. cannot assign ringtones to my emails - if someone knows how to do, please shout.
4. cannot set a data limit - if someone knows how to do, please shout.
5. Office hub disappeared and one note is useless - office is very important to me so MS, please bring it back asap.
6. cannot change tiles sizes as shown in MS presentation.
7. MS, please bring back transparent tiles.
8. people hub shows only twitter account and not others - MS, please fix
Let open sockets, thus allowing apps to do jobs in the background like being connected to services those are legacy, or not push enabled. Example: IRC severs, SIP installations etc
Microsoft you got it almost right with Windows Phone 8.1 update 1 you just need a few improvements, please DO NOT F%^&& this one up.
Microsoft you got it almost right with Windows Phone 8.1 update 1 you just need a few improvements, please DO NOT F%^&& this one up.
Actually that new UI resembles Windows 8.1 Not Android or iOS

And setting menu resemble setting on desktop one
Here is my big WISH!

Remote for the phone same like we have for ZUNE!
Bring back ZUNE software!
When we will get play music from a folder! ( GENERS select group and select album to play)
New lockscreen options.
- Gesture lock (like on Samsung)
- Picture Password lock
- Passcode lock
- Fingerprint lock (hardware dependent)
- Iris lock (hardware dependent)

New Unlock animations
- Custom placement of time/date and notifications on the lockscreen
- New transitions from lock --> start e.g. use same background straight from lock to start, ie tiles simply glide in. Another example.. animated lock backgrounds such an eye opening from lock > start.

App List
- Have an A-Z scroll option that fades in/out. Tapping to search feels cumbersome and old.
- App categories easily accessible by icons at the top ie date installed, most used etc

Live Tiles
- New sizes, shapes. Start screen needs a fresh look, desperately. People won't pickup a phone that has looked the same for years. Even Apple acknowledges this and throws a fresh coat on every now and then.
- Actionable tiles such as music player, mini Youtube/Video in large tile etc
- Different innovative take on folders on start screen, the current folders are space occupying instead of overlapping and make the background 'pop' up at the bottom the start screen when opened. Crappy design.

Action Centre
- Needs a fresh new look
- Individually removable notifications (I think this is in now)
Custom colur toast e.g. Blue Skype, Purple Viber, Green Whatsapp etc
- Torch icon!

Overall I expect the OS to fly on the new flagship hardware. Fingers crossed MS can innovate this time around.
Tap and hold windows button to Lock the Screen..or could open notifications (which should have screen lock as a quick action)

This would be very useful :) (and preserve the power button)
Security feature? There's a toggle for cellular data, it should be consistent with that.

It does act the same when you have a pin code. Didn't know the behavior was different. Prevents someone from cutting off a connection if lost, and not being able to use find it on
Anyone else agree that the wifi tile in the action center should be a toggle, not a shortcut?

I think this could work

1. Toggle On or Off by tapping
2. Shortcut to Wi-Fi Settings on long press. ( Current state doesn't matter )
Multitasking: Option not to suspend running apps in the background or allow apps like UC Browser, wpTorrent and the like to run in the background. I use these apps a lot for downloading. Would be happy if i could do something else or check on other apps while waiting for the downloads to finish. Of course, they could have it disabled by default. Just give us a toggle switch please!

Lockscreen Have the parallax effect and some tweaks.

Media Player I pity my volume keys. Please put it somewhere where we wont need to press the volume keys to access it and hit the next song.
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