Windows 10 Mobile - Wishlist (pre 10586.164)

UPCOMING Windows 10 for Phones Features Requests (Wishlist)

So I've been googling alot for Windows 10 feature requests for phones but so far I only found requests for the PC version. The mobile version is just as important and I already posted a few requests on the UserVoice website. So this thread should sum up some of the "Most Wanted" Features AS WELL AS Modifications that I've been wanting but cant seem to get on my Lumia 640XL Windows 8.1 Update 2.I'm not gonna be judging about: Designs, Looks, Feels etc because I know Microsoft is working hard to improve them, So these are just a few stuff I've been wanting since I switched from my "rooted" android phone to a Lumia 640XL.

DO Keep this in mind that I haven't had a chance to use any of the Technical Previews from Insider as my phone isn't supported and I've been using WP only for a few months now, so here's my feature requests:
1)Micro USB OTG support( already implemented maybe??)
2)File Manager:
* Should have ability to add Folders on Live Tiles.
*Should be able to create most format files like .zip, .txt, .docx without needing third party apps
*Hide/Show files
3)Scrollable Notifications or at least add more cause 4 is just not a lucky number lol.
4)Brightness Bar in Notifications Menu
5)NEED MORE SOUND. I know you can Microsoft. I don't hear Dolby Surround while watching the latest Fast n Furious on my Lenovo Windows 7 laptop for nothing. Take some help from Viper4Android & Viper4Windows(PC) Devs, although I'm guessing they're the same guys. They'll be happy to get some WP love.
*Add ability to hold the upper keys to switch between numbers and letters. This is a basic feature. Hope you implement it.
*Add 'Hold to Options' key
*Horizontal menu. Would be nice but I got no beef against vertical menus.
8) Wi-Fi FIX: Please fix it! Either my phone is glitches or the Windows 8.1 connection sucks(DNS protocol issues maybe). This is ONLY applicable for some Wi-Fis that I use outside my home. (Already tried all the fixes from windows website)
9) Clock(Alarms):
*Needs basic features including Timer, Stopwatch and World Clock.
*Seriously needs an audio boost (I'm a heavy sleeper lol)
*Timer's volume should be changed using the Ringer+Notifications Bar NOT the Media+Apps one. [I keep missing my deadline :(
10) Calendar: Add month view tiles

Yeah that's about it I think. Don't wanna put too much stress on the devs. If I missed any important features or I listed a feature that's already there in the Technical Preview do feel free to add on comments. Thanks for reading (Even if you skipped to the end lol). IF THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL FEATURES REQUEST FORUMS, THen Could you please transfer it to the specified forum please Admin. Thanks in Advance!
1)Auto number complete(from the saved contacts) in dialing pad.
2)Need separate volume bar for apps and media(instead of App+Media)
3)Increase ring mode
4)Internet teathering(PC-Mobile n Viceversa)
5)Close all apps options running in BG(very useful/must need option for Windows10, because back button not terminating the app now)
6)Option like Number of running apps in BG(for lowend ram devices useful it is)
7)Actionable Notifications and Live tile buttons
8)Instead of ... dots, swipe up from the down of screen shows up menu options(like showing properties for images now in WP10)
9)Instead of hambarger(many are feeeling its like copying andriod) implement swipe left to get the menu options(For Browsers it is not possible seems)
10)More integrated Notification Center.
11) Total RAM/Available RAM option
12) Option to delete temp files and App data
13) Inbuilt flawless, all formats supported with swipe gusters Music(Full screen album art must) n Video App
14)More options in lock screen
15)Need old Statusbar icons(win10 status bar has many design issues)

These are my wishlist :)
Re: UPCOMING Windows 10 for Phones Features Requests (Wishlist)

So I've been googling alot for Windows 10 feature requests for phones but so far I only found requests for the PC version. The mobile version is just as important and I already posted a few requests on the UserVoice website. So this thread should sum up some of the "Most Wanted" Features AS WELL AS Modifications that I've been wanting but cant seem to get on my Lumia 640XL Windows 8.1 Update 2.I'm not gonna be judging about: Designs, Looks, Feels etc because I know Microsoft is working hard to improve them, So these are just a few stuff I've been wanting since I switched from my "rooted" android phone to a Lumia 640XL.
Ok, this UserVoice shouldbe useful enough
Hmm I don't see why we need 3G only. Phone usually adapts to network. Think Android does too. If not you lose the whole connection. But uh guess that's gonna be in the wishlist :D
On 3g your battery doesn't last as long, why would you want this option? My number one want for Windows 10 Mobile is wireless syncing with my PC(such as syncing my music across without the need of a usb cable since my 1020's usb data transfer via usb doesn't work anymore, it only just barely charges when you put it in exact right position). I mean seriously, iphones and ipods touches can sync wirelessly with itunes. Its not big request.
I wish there is something like floating widget on Android. Although actionable notification is an alternate, floating widget has more functionality. One such example is Flynx App pretty useful for multitaskers like me😃😊
storing Maps from Here drive to SD card should be possible. For a very short time it was possible in WP8.1, so it can?t be to difficult.
My wish is for proper, attractive branding. No "Microsoft." If "Nokia" isn't an option, then either just the Microsoft logo (the Window), "Lumia," or a combination of "Lumia" with the logo. Any alternative is better than "Microsoft" in my opinion.

All other wishes I have have been covered in this thread.
I don't know if this has been listed or has been made, Microsoft should integrate music control/player in the lock screen and glance. Imagine the possibilities of how easy it is to control your music while locked or while on the glance screen mode. Instead of the very inconvenient old fashioned way, you just have to hover your hand to show you the full music player/xbox music controls,toggles and options ,how easy is that?
- All file transfer, including big files, full resolution photos and map downloads available also via cellular data, not that annoying WiFi requirement.

- File manager with LAN/network/cloud/FTP share support.
- GeoFence wifi (turn it off completely when i'm not near my home)
- Alarms (ability to tell cortana I'm awak - disabling all alarms for the morning)
- Wallet - for the love of god, make it useful
- Unlink cortana stock watch from the msn money app
- Maps - need a huge improvement (traffic / multiple route suggestions / retrace route / accident alerts / police alerts)
- Ability to record phone calls
- Serious power saving mode
- Alphabetize all menus
- Download and attach file from one drive to standard email
- Improve voice quality and noise cancellation
-- Use mic to allow for noise cancellation through headphone jack
- Faster photo app opening

- Allow for 'trigger word' to clarify when dictating to cortana, so that one doesn't need to fully restate a message (kinda like madlibs - let me fill in or re-state the words that had a high degree of uncertainty)
Microsoft, please please please please please, I BEG OF YOU to please make a Windows phone with a:


What is the point of using ONENOTE when you don't have a friggin pen to write your stuff in? How can I draw on freshpaint without a pen? I am suppose to use my fingers? All other stuff is fine, but please make a windows phone with a pen!!! pleeeeasseee!!! And yes I already gave my suggestion in the Microsoft feedback website, please I ask other Microsoft users to do the same!

The phone can be called: Microsoft Lumia Note, or Samsung Galaxy Windows 10 Note, Or Microsoft Windows Surface Note.
Add ability to set an end date to repeating events in calendar app - I can't believe this doesn't already exist.

Cortana turn by turn directions.

Xbox music - add playlist format support - m3u, etc. Ability to use volume rockers to change music tracks via long press. Remove limits on the number of playlists and track playback in playlists.

Add simple weather readout on lock screen - current temp, conditions, hi/lo, and optional quick status temp (fixing 0-99 limitations) - via the default weather app. This is for those that want clean right to the point weather without the clutter of graphics and forecasts.

Add ability to sort/view videos on SD card by albums based on folders on card to the default video app.

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