Windows 10 Mobile - Wishlist (pre 10586.164)

Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

I want "live notifications" in the action center. Like a progress bar under the name of the app showing where a download is at. This would be absolutely awesome.
Oh, and I want Microsoft to tell carriers "F#CK YOU" and update the OS without passing via them. Like Apple.
Don't forget office! I'm sure it will get a huge update because it hasn't been updated since launch! Hopefully they just make it a separate app so it will be easier to push out updates in the future.
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

Nice well said but you are forgetting a few items as well

this is a rehash of my old post but it may over lap some of what you said
Windows phone 8.1 list of items to work on
1. Lock screen needs to be more expressive / Functional (more notification icons, , music controls on the lock screen with artist album and song labels ( we don?t need the album art like kitkat offers as the background).
2. Lock screen lock options needed (ie picture password, voice unlock, face unlock, pattern unlock and pin).
3. Actionable notification icons on lock screen option (double tap an icon will open the respective app.
4. Battery percentage on lock screen
5. Actionable Toast notifications mock up see attached pic.
6. Action Center Toggles should be on and off switches not take you to the settings menu for wifi.
7. Action Center Toggles should be at least 6 or more scrollable like Samsung does theirs.
8. A toggle for Ring mode (Ring , Ring and Vibrate, Silent, vibrate).
9. Action center notifications should be able to swipe left or right to dismiss them.
10. Action Center notifications should auto collapse as more notifications come in (expandable and contractible ala android).
11. Settings Menu can do with a tiled icon view as well as the current list view would be nice.
12. When one taps phone we should have the option to go right into the dialer or the recent call screen. (I would prefer a sliding interface so from the dialer slide left for recent calls)
13. An all programs grid view would be nice.
14. When you launch Cortina she should expect me to speak or preferably a hello cortana would launch cortana from anywhere and she would be already listening to what I have to say.
15. Folders should be built into the os not a nokia app.
16. Make app resume and refresh time instantaneous or allow apps to periodically refresh in the background (ie getting a notification on fb messenger is faster than on my s4 but the apps has to resume then refresh to be up to date this should be seamless like on android. Maybe as a notification comes in the app refreshes and moves to a not suspended state for at least a minute so going into the app feels faster??? idk just saying MS).
17. More BIG Name APPS that are coded properly with Full Feature set as ANDRIOD or IOS counterpart (I.E PAY DEVLOPERS TO BUILD AND UPDATE APPS FASTER KIND OF LIKE WHAT BLACKBERRY IS DOING.) Faster App updates (yes you Instagram lazy arse and others).
18. Natively coded Facebook app please also chat heads or chat tile support would be nice for FB messenger.
19. Power intensive apps native or not need to be refined
20. More options under the camera UI settings menu I mean android and even BB have more options
21. Notification light Support for non Nokia or devices not supporting glance screen (or an option to blink the windows key alone if notifications come in).
22. Missing apps I need ?. drop box, pulse news, oovoo, swarm ( foursquares replacement), google apps (youtube, google search, google+ etc), sound hound pro, and others
23. IR blaster support??
24. Keyboard is good ? well done android phones I usually have to change for that but I have gripes. Do like LG or even Fleksy for android adjustable key size would be nice, add or remove certain keys would be nice, flick to the left would be good to delete works when swype is off, manually enter words into dictionary would be nice. Would love it if Windows would allow at least fleksy to integrate its keyboard into the phone as a replacement or if yall work with fleksy and integrate some of its features.
25. Option to 3rd party keyboards maybe
26. Option to separate ringtone and notification volume toggles.
27. The X on an app in the task switcher should be a red Square with a white X in it stay true to windows please lol.
28. Weather clock tile would be nice (I.E give the weather tile the option to show the clock on it too with options as to how you would like information displayed on the tile).
29. Camera should show resolution options grouped under 16:9 wide or 4:3 for have resolutions to choose from and more options on the stock windows phone app

mock up of the actionable notifications feature
View attachment 68866


probably will happen I think

Start screen wishlst...YES! Currentlybtiles supported in window phone 8 are 1x1, 2x2, 2x4. I would also like to see 2x1, 1x2, 4x2, 4x4 and 8x8. Pinch to zoom not necessary for me.

Action centre: Yes, only >10 toggle slots and app toggles not necessary for me. 5 as is now on the 1520 is more than adequate.

General improvements:

Settings with more organization order options e.g. alfabetical, grouped to funtion, grouped to most used. Its currently stull all a messy list.

Horizontal scrolling with start menu landscape support.

Left scroll offers option to dedicate to open instant optional most used app.

Additions: no.

Dialar: T9 support and quick contact search within the phone app.

Store: I guess yes

Mail: option to add email as a calender item from within the mail app.

Me tile suggestion: yes!

Camera suggestions: software 2stage button: NO! improved ui: settings accessible with one hand and that can be changed as a scrollwheel with one finger without obstructing the screen.

Easy sdk addin/plugin to add messaging or 3rd party functionality within the people hub, not as a searate app!

Photos: alright now. Perhaps, only wish that there is more integration with the people hub.

IE 12 suggestion alright.

Calendar app: wish it could be more in the design language and functionality as chronos calendar. wish I could add appointments and clendt items from social media and email to calendar from within the respective 3rd party or native app.

People hub: needs a design revamp. The phone app, pictures hub, social media, email and calendar should have a deeper integration with this hub.

Cortana: should only be part of the OS a an add-in app. There is not enough multilingual support to make the feature functional in many markets. As ling this is mete a possibilty and not a fact, microsoft should continue to support bing search and locations, for which many markets could potentially benifit more than a cortana voice.

Continuous wordflow by using the spacebar between words, instead of lifting the finger off the keyboard after every word. Tiring and slow!

lock screen suggestion yes!

Support for wacom stylus technology?
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

i want to edit my certificates in IE!
once i got a problem logging in my bank account, and since then it won't let me use the certificate (as if it's not installed)
hard reset didn't fix it, since in looks like it coppied corrupted file too...
so that would be nice!
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

I would like something like a dynamic change in the accent color. If i'm in Facebook, and i pull the notifications, it'll will be the same color as the app, in this case, blue, same with the keyboard keys when typing. And if i change to other app like Crunchyroll, it will be orange, and pink to MixRadio. That could be arranged by the app dev. And to apps that don't have a accent color, photos, or people hub, it could just keep the color accent you have chosen on the settings. I think it would be a cool addition.
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

well there are small things that needs to b fix in windows phone 9

1) lockscreen - Should show animated weather with Time Like in Htc android Version
- Should show Battery Charging Percentage.
- Live Wallpapers
- Why only one password Method? Add different option for password like voice password, gesture, finger print, face recognition

2) Home Screen - the Idea of 3D tiles would b awesome.

3) notification centre- This should have 2 section swipe/Switch one for settings which shud have more than 4 shortcuts atleast 10 and swipe/switch to read apps notification.
- Downloading apps status should be shown in notification centre. like how much MB downloaded with how much Speed.
- cortana should be integrated with notification centre so she can read all notification and behave like a real world assistant.

4) Settings - Wifi- why still there is no option to connect to wifi by inserting manual IP address? It shows Below the option but its not highlighted.
Project my screen- who the hell connects via a cable? bring the option of screen mirroring wireless connectivity.
Wifi Direct- the best way to connect and share data without wifi, but windowsphone dont have it!!!
USB- ability to connect a HDD directly to phone. no option yet!!!

5) Video Player- People literally laugh wen they see default xbox video player. this is wat u can make in today's world. This is a windowsphone make it work like windows. it shud play all format videos with attachment of all format subtitle files.

6) Cortana- She needs to do lots of Home work.
- she doesnt speak wen asked about wat is the time and day.
- she needs a reminder for every hour. (Remind me every hour to drink water, never works with her)
- she should sing any song. rap like eminem would be hell awesome
- she doesnt reads Emails neither she alerts me abt a new mail.
- she needs to do a karaoke
- she needs to play musical instruments.
- she doesnt updates my facebook status. she should learn that!

More important windows 9 and windowsphone 9 should talk to each other. By talking i mean all my phone notification,calls, messages, whatsapp, wechat should be shown on my pc when both are on same wifi network. when my phone is missing or is far from me and i am working on my pc/laptop i can get everything in my pc. come on make it work only then its worth buying a windowsphone
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

Internet explorer downloads support download manager on notification center and store apps download support on notification center
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

We have Notification center for notification & shortcut eg. Wifi, Quiet Hours etc.. that's good, indeed..
Why not use Notification Center EXCLUSIVELY for notification only?

Add a left to right swipe EXCLUSIVELY for shortcuts.
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

Interactive live tiles - tiles are more interactive than ever. Tiles now support buttons that are clickable. Not anymore do you need to open the app to do simple stuff like mark as read, or delete messages. You can do them directly from the startscreen.

Integrated search - your search button is more useful than ever. For example, if you are in the messenger and tapped on search button, it will search initially the messenger, followed by other apps, files and the net. Finishing the search will direct you to search hero. Still, everything is powered by Bing.

Gestures - this UI follows the gestures from win8. Apps can now be switched by swiping from the left edge. Apps can also be closed by swiping down from the top edge. Users can also activate splitscreen by swiping from left edge then holding the app at the center.

More gestures - swiping up from different points at the bottom edge opens different features. Up from back button opens the task manager. Up from the windows button opens the quick launch and up from the search button opens TellMe (voice search).

Task manager - your task manager is now packed with features. From here, you can easily close app/multiple apps, and create splitscreen. You can also manage data usage from the task manager. And finally, you don't need to hold the back button for 2 seconds to show task manager. An upward swipe from the back button opens it!

Quick launch - this UI introduces a faster way to reach your apps from anywhere. By swiping up from the windows button, 6 customizable apps can be accessed.

Apps portrait/landscape view - some apps like videos permanently runs on landscape. On this UI, such apps are now fashioned to run on either view.

Notification center - a short swipe from the right edge shows a peek view of the notification screen. From there, users can see 1x1 tiles of apps with notification and the number of notifications. Tapping on one of the tiles will open the first page of the app. at the bottom of the peek view is a permanent tile for settings app.

Notification center (full) - a long swipe from the right edge opens the full view of the notification center. From there you can access/control the music and the volume profile. Apps with current multiple notifications can be collapsed and expanded. Tapping on the particular notification will direct the user to the exact spot on the app.

Lock screen - the lock screen has been slightly changed to accommodate the quick launch and notification screen. The notification icons are now lined vertically at the right side of the screen. Apps can be opened directly from the notification screen and quick launch.
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Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

1 wish

quick reply/preview when you pull down notifications (fb, messages, wecaht, all messaging apps)
if photo, small preview when you pull down
if message, a small message box upon pulldown to quick reply
same goes to others

can anyone visualize what im trying to say? please make a gif out of it thanks!
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

I wish they bring the social integration back w/o having to open the social App itself
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

Oh, and I want Microsoft to tell carriers "F#CK YOU" and update the OS without passing via them. Like Apple.

They already do that with the dp program. Even though I don't think they are telling "F### YOU" to carriers
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Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

1 wish

quick reply/preview when you pull down notifications (fb, messages, wecaht, all messaging apps)
if photo, small preview when you pull down
if message, a small message box upon pulldown to quick reply
same goes to others

can anyone visualize what im trying to say? please make a gif out of it thanks!

Check the Original Post. There is a mockup
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

Interactive notifications, both on the notification center, tiles and toast from anywhere on the screen, even on the lock screen which would be made optional, to reply to notification on the lock screen

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