Windows 10 store crashes everytime.. "Server Stumbled"

deleting the folder in the local cache folder worked for me. Note that you have to change the user_name in the address to your user name for the account.

This solution really works :smile:
Its suitable for PC and not tried it on mobile yet
1. Go to Date & Time display, click on it (In right side down corner)
2. Click on Date & Time Settings
3. Under Date & Time, Change Time Zone to your location time zone.
4. "Set automatically" option to Off and change to On.
5. Now open Win Store problem is solved. And now you are done :evil:
Ahmed Ali Awan
I did that days ago. It didn't work. It still doesn't. Tired of all the 'fixes' that don't work but thanks for trying;-/
I'm having exactly the same issue and I tried every solution I found on the web.

I guess I won't be able to use Windows new apps.. ever!
Maybe there's a network problem. I know that some networks block certain sites and the Store servers might be included.
Pleased to say Store started working tonight! Without any more "funky fix" attempts;-) Grabbed apps, everything. I'm thinking MS was having issues and they have been working to resolve them. Hope it starts working for others too!
I have this problem, cos domain GPO "do not connect to any windows update internet locations" - ENABLE . (windows 2012 r2 - domain controller )
Still not working for me.

When I force Winreset I get error message ms-windows Store purge caches: The application cannot be started.
100% solved this the following steps...
1.if windows automatically updates option is disabled in windows 10 then turned ON this option..
2. start the windows store and then u will see it is loaded successfully...

remember in your prayers...THANKS
Yeah !!!!
That works changing time works !! changed time to automatic and it worked thx
Note that I created this account to appreciate the one who told me to do so, I appreciate him !!:smile:
Re: Re Enabled Windows Update Service

Here is the solution...

Did You disabled the Windows Update service to avoid automatic windows updates... That is the problem..
Re enable it and check..
Surely Windows 10 Store is working perfect:amaze::evil:
Ehhhhhh...... not working for me again.
None of the solutions above work. I had problems before, and the only real fix was to reinstall the whole OS.
After that, it worked fine again, and now randomly it doesn't work.
Come on, MS, you don't need this.

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