Windows 10 store crashes everytime.. "Server Stumbled"

mine is not solving
...what to do/...i reseted the cache...and cant find /windows cant find the folder..but its not solving....what to do
Did you ever get a solution to this problem? - i have the same problem and tried everything but nothing is working
Heyyy i solved this problem by activating Windows Update Services. Maybe your windows update is disabled. Follo these steps:

1. Press start button or windows button + r or just search run and click it
2. Then type services and press enter
3. Look for windows Update right click and select properties
4. then in startup type select automatic
5. click on apply then you should be able to start the service

once you enabled windows update the app store is back on!!

PD: if you can`t open services with run tool (my situation -.-)
then just search services or you could seacrh administrative tools and then services.

hope it works :smile::smile:

Thank you soo much. Problem now solved after endless hours of deadend searching!! :grin:
If nothing else works try:
Start-->Settings-->Network and Internet-->Proxy.
In this tab make sure ALL THREE options are set to OFF
1.Automatically detect settings
2.Use setup script
3.Use a proxy server
Close the window, restart the Store app and everything should be OK...
It was the Avast antivirus that was causing the problem for me. I had to go to the Firewall settings and enable Internet Connection Sharing Mode. There was a similar issue with Windows 8.1.
Clearing the local cache did not work for me, resetting the time did not work for me. I would like to get this corrected as it says my windows activation is not genuine and I can't correct it without the store.
thanks a lot
it did work. i got this laptop from abroad and it has different timezones, i just corrected the timezones and it didn't crash
It solved both the issues with the Store " The server stumbled " and with Onedrive " There was a problem connecting to OneDrive. Check your Internet connection and then try again. "

Thank you so much!!

The way I used to access "Internet Options" was going to Settings -> Network and Internet -> Ethernet -> Related Settings -> Internet Options -> Advanced
everytime I plug my computer charger in my store actually works, but it stops everytime I try to download something, but when I take my charger out everything stop working. I believe windows is working on a solution to this problem
NO solutions are working for me. I can open the Store. But when I clock on any app, game, etc it spins, then crashes. I can't even install an app from the website store.
I jsut went through the process of deleting it from the Powershell, then reinstalling. Still nothing.
I just went through the process of reinstalling Windows 10. Deleted the store from the powershell and reinstalled. No luck yet for me at all.
Again....Here is the solution.

Originally Posted by systematicchaos View Post

Found a solution for this. Was not able to open store on build 10240. Go to C:>users>user_name>AppData>Local>Packages>Microsoft.WindowsStore_8wekyb3d8bbwe>Local cache. Delete all the files and folders in there, problem solved.

This didn't work for me. Store still crashes as soon as it opens.
Guys, remember that you can also get your apps at https ://www .microsoft .com/en-us/store/apps/windows
ok so i changed my time and it 100% percent works!!!! now its opens and runs without any errors or crashing!
I got it working...
It is because of the "windows update service" being disabled or stopped. I had stopped this service to avoid unwanted automatic updates.
Once I re-enabled the windows update service, the Windows store started functioning properly.

Hope this helps

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