Windows Central App is $.99?

Just to clarify. The non ad version, is it possible to click links rather than have to go to browser? And I know they a view links but sometimes i cant find the link I looking for. I think for a windows forum/news app it could be more fluent. No disrespect to the coder at all. This is just my peev with the app....clicking links and viewing photos. I feel as though they should be right there in the ad. I have no problem paying for the app. But this just peevs me off a bit.
They got ads on trial yes. But they gone if you pay for it.

It's no differen than reading in web. So i don't think anyone should complain

But dude sometime they give away the apps free with no ads for limited time. Stay tune and you may be able to claim it. Once claimed it's yours.

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