Windows Central Photo Contest: Nature!

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This photo was taken on my HTC 8X. I can't wait to get a better camera on my phone. The location is in Boulder CO on top of a mountain on a gloomy day. This photo was actually taken right before I proposed to my fiancee on this spot!


[EDIT] Forgot to mention that the photo is untouched.
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Summer morning in White Carpathians, Czech republic. Few minutes after sunrise. Nokia Lumia 920 + Adobe Photoshop Express
AdobePhotoshopExpress_821ab698c7844c36b49bcf2288c5c026 1.jpg

This is from a couple years ago, fall 2013. I was in the back yard and seemingly overnight the leaves had begun to turn for the season. It was shot on a Lumia 928 with Hipstamatic Oggle (G2 lens and Blanko Freedom13 film).
Picture taken with my 635 and edited with Adobe Photoshop Express.

I took this picture at work (A Country Club I work at) while making my morning rounds checking on equipment and staff. The weather was perfect!!

Closeup of moss, after it's been raining. I used a Lumia 630 with some cheap lens I ordered from ebay, no processing.

This is my first post in this forum :D
It was taken at cst. It has been little edited by lumia creative studio.I had gone for some work and i just saw the wonderful scenario so just clicked it in my Nokia lumia 730.
Location: Brainard Lake, Rocky Mountains, Colorado, USA
Time: Fall 2015
Phone: Lumia 1520 using Rich Capture, no other editing

Nokia Lumia 920 w/ default Microsoft Camera and upped the saturation about 10% in Photoshop.

This picture was taken at sunrise on Browns Lake in South Central Texas while on a Boy Scout Wilderness Survival camp out with my son's troop.

This photo comes from a personal habit. Every time I see some water flowing over rock, I zoom in and take a picture. Taken with my Lumia 640XL using Lumia Camera, all automatic, no specials. I had the phone only for a couple of days, so I did not know the app had so many possibilities. :wink:
It is taken, by the way, in a small park close to my house.
WP_20150321_16_22_20_Pro 1.jpg

This is a photo I took at Ohope Beach, which is in the Bay of Plenty on the North Island of New Zealand. This is where I spent most of my childhood summers. My sister recently bought a motel here and so I took some photos of the surrounding area for her motels website (Driftsand | Beachfront Accommodation in Ohope, New Zealand).

I used my Nokia Lumia 930 to take the photos, and this one is definitely one of my favourites. The camera on the 930 is so amazing!!

This photo is completely un-altered, no editing has been done.
Good Lord! How close to that thing were you? If you were within 10 ft of that then you should win just on bravery alone! :grin:
Took this photo at Point Reyes Lighthouse on my Nokia Lumia 930. Beautiful Sunset with lots of fog and lots of wind. This photo was edited using Lumia Creative Studio and Photoscape for brightness/contrast and saturation. What else to say... Love my Nokia/Lumia



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