I took this incredible sunrise when we had a trip in a mountainous part of our Province using my Lumia 720. .it was really amazing seeing a beautiful sun smiling you every morning . .
Taken a few years ago on my bike on the way to the gym in the early morning hours with my lumia 900. Strangely enough, I did not apply any effects other than the "auto correct" feature and I think it just came out great.
This Picture was taken when I was on Holiday in Guyana which is located in South America and is also somewhat part of the Caribbean. I was living in a row of houses which was not directly in the City of George Town and so all I have to do is look out from the front of the house and this is the view I get...
I took this picture on my Trusty Lumia 1020
I didn?t really edit the picture just used Windows Live Photo Gallery to get rid of some Shadows.
I also had to make the picture smaller in size in order to upload it
As I go home from work I used to watch the sun go down and watch different scenarios in sight at Mall of Asia seaside.
I got lucky to be able to create a composition with this ship in the bay, fishermen and the bird (yes there is one).
The fishermen looks like they are headed home chasing the sunset.
Phone: Nokia Lumia 1520
Photo Editor: Adobe Lightroom (minor adjustments, colors were not altered)
It was weekend evening when I captured perfect sun shine reflection in river water, it seems like there are multiple sun shines. Photograph was taken using Lumia Camera on Lumia 1020. There is no any other editing done on the photograph. Photograph was captured at Tapi River at Vaghecha, near Surat, Gujarat, India.
this was taken via Lumia 620 using Camera 360, Sophie-lens HD for filter & adobe Photoshop for cropping and de-noising ...
that day i was in a hurry and annoyingly there was an unreasonable traffic jam! but the sun made me forget about all that! ...
This picture was taken from my balcony in Bucharest one year ago using Lumia Camera on my Lumina 925.
Lumia Camera gave me enough manual control over the exposure. Unedited photo.
Sun Shine and Rain Drops Captured...Awesome Weather...!!!
It was rainy weekend evening when I captured sun shining and rain drops in river water. Photograph was taken using Lumia Camera on Lumia 1020 with no any other editing tools used.
Photograph was captured at Tapi River at Vaghecha, near Surat, Gujarat, India.
I name it the "Binary Sun". this was taken at mullaiyangiri peak, chikkmangalur, near Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Went for a small trekking to reach there. Wonderful place to visit and camp.
Taken with Lumia 822. Edited with Adobe photoshop express.
The photo has been taken in Wrocław, Poland in a city park. While riding a bike I found this sunshine to be perfect for a photo.
The image was taken with Lumia 930 (rich capture) and post processed using Camera Sight360 app.
Hi !
This photograph was taken by my awesome HTC 8X on a lazy evening.. I had been to a nearby river leading to a beach and was just amazed by the sun rays. I have used LazyLens for Post-processing.