Windows Logo Redesigned for Windows 8

Microsoft could just go the redneck way and have Calvin (Calvin and Hobbes) peeing on the Apple or Android logo while looking at his windows phone as their logo...LOL
To me it, with the window diminishing to the left it just looks like a backwards arrow. At the very least it should be pointing forwards.

Otherwise I like it. I like that it will fit with the theme colour of the user; and, well I'm just a sucker for the Segoe font.
i like the sold color but i don't like logo shape
i prefer this one

or this one

Ehh, I think it looks good, but what torchxit posted is a better idea. However, what really sold me was this article on The Verge forums, using the WP7 logo as inspiration for a whole rebrand (like what starblade876 suggested).

Also, I think the Windows flag is way too iconic and important. I don't know, even the WP7 home button on all current devices would be outdated.


The Real Missed Opportunity: Integration & Rebranding | The Verge Forums
YUCK! I can't believe that MS chose this to be the new logo! It certainly does nothing to look like it has anything to offer for the future or that Windows 8 is dynamic, fluid and stretches across multiple devices! To me it appears already outdated and stale!

What were they thinking? was this a design simply pulled from a hat? it looks cheap, no thought process applied, MONOCHROMATIC? REALLY? In this technologically advanced world?

Here is my design of what I think the new logo should look like:

Of course the design is scalable so it could be used across many platforms without invading applications or letterheads etc!

Why have they stretched out the Windows Terminology? For Pete's sake with people using more and more mobile devices why in the heck would a new logo take up so much screen real estate?

I thought metro was abut being people (user) friendly, efficient and visually pleasing and to be incorporated throughout multiple platforms?

Hmm, guess not.
Love it. SO. MUCH. BETTER! It's Microsoft WINDOWS, people...not Microsoft FLAGS! I never, ever understood the four-colored flag logo. What the heck did that ever have to do with "Windows"? Nothing. The new logo is a perfectly clean, simple representative of Microsoft Windows and is a nice fit with Metro's DNA.

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