Windows Media Center to make a return on Windows 10 ? Any updates ?

Ok, can you explain to me how to set up a recurring recording? There isn't even an option to click on the guide to go to that channel. Maybe I have missed it but I have tried a couple of apps like titan and nothing works. I use media center as my pvr as I use a hd antenna to record my shows.
Ok, can you explain to me how to set up a recurring recording? There isn't even an option to click on the guide to go to that channel. Maybe I have missed it but I have tried a couple of apps like titan and nothing works. I use media center as my pvr as I use a hd antenna to record my shows.

Regarding setting up a recurring recording when using Windows Media Center (WMC) as a DVR/PVR (Digital Personal Video Recorder):

There are several ways, depending on what you are doing. The easiest: clicking the button with the red dot once, sets the show selected to record once. Clicking it twice, sets all the shows in the series to record.

I'm not sure what you are referring to, regarding the channel not being available? Certainly, you can only watch and record shows and movies that you can receive. In your case, you receive them Over The Air (OTA), so you have to set up the program guide for the channels you can receive. Can you explain further? What tuner are you using?

I don't know what the titan app is? The only app I know of is from Ceton to access their XfiniTV cable card tuners to operate them and to schedule recordings remotely.

Best Wishes
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I t is not obsolete or redundant... I have 4 TV tuners in my PC that are connected to cable and antenna... I enjoy that Media Center provides a TV Guide other programs don't...
Signed up for this website just to add in my displeasure to the pool.

WMC is BY FAR the best program for watching Live TV on my OTA set-up. I've been testing out alternatives since I heard Windows 10 is dropping WMC. They are absolutely awful. The only one that kind of worked is NextPVR, and took like 30 seconds to change the damn channel, and the interface was slow and glitchy. This is an absurd move my Microsoft. The program doesn't even need support, just leave it there as is.
Microsoft needs to change their mind here and AT least offer us a Windows Media Center option in Windows 10.

I use WMC every day, from movies (built in Movie Library) to my DVR, music and streaming media. Nothing out there can replace it on a PC that can be fully controlled via a simple remote.

If your on twitter, click the link below and see the tweets to Microsoft, please re-tweet everything ! Let's get Microsoft to at least give us an option !
Microsoft needs to change their mind here and AT least offer us a Windows Media Center option in Windows 10.

I use WMC every day, from movies (built in Movie Library) to my DVR, music and streaming media. Nothing out there can replace it on a PC that can be fully controlled via a simple remote.

If your on twitter, click the link below and see the tweets to Microsoft, please re-tweet everything ! Let's get Microsoft to at least give us an option !

Look for #WindowsMediaCenter and #WMC on twitter.
Like upgrading OS on a HTPC really matters. Not as if Xbox 360 is capable of driving 1440p content (for those using extenders).

I still have my PlayReady 2.0 setup, and it does not seem that 4k content will be mainstream anytime soon.
My next HTPC setup will support PlayReady 3.0, and I will no longer have to run WMC as a server in order to watch OTA on Kodi ;)))

Could have been worse :X
Microsoft needs to change their mind here and AT least offer us a Windows Media Center option in Windows 10.

I use WMC every day, from movies (built in Movie Library) to my DVR, music and streaming media. Nothing out there can replace it on a PC that can be fully controlled via a simple remote.

If your on twitter, click the link below and see the tweets to Microsoft, please re-tweet everything ! Let's get Microsoft to at least give us an option !

So you use WMC and it does what you need, how would upgrading the underlying OS to WIN10 be of benefit to you? I mean why should you upgrade if what you have works for you? Windows 10 as an OS would actually not benefit you much for the purpose you use WMC for..
This is the exact problem I am currently having. I love Kodi, but without Windows Media Center, I am unable to watch or record shows with my HDHomeRun Prime. Windows Media Center is the only licensed software to allow the Copy Once flag to be read and utilized for watching / recording. No other software does this. I have an HTPC on every TV (6) with both Kodi and Windows Media Center running in combination with my HDHomeRun Prime and cable card. Without Windows Media Center my cable card and setup will effectively be least until (I can dream) the cable companies pull their head out of their *** at least....

I miss Charter Communications as they allowed this to function correctly.......Cox Communications is a horrible provider with terrible customer service that thrives on being restrictive along with high prices.
Look for #WindowsMediaCenter and #WMC on twitter.

Pretty much almost started #WindowsMediaCenter (there was only 5 posts on twitter using that hashtag when I started using it), and #WMC is used for something else, There is an event of some type and they use that hashtag

Look at my sig and look over my tweets, you can clearly see I have been tweeting for Windows Media Center.

So you use WMC and it does what you need, how would upgrading the underlying OS to WIN10 be of benefit to you? I mean why should you upgrade if what you have works for you? Windows 10 as an OS would actually not benefit you much for the purpose you use WMC for..

Updated hardware support, faster load times, better networking subsystem, new apps that could be scripted to use in WMC as a full screen remote controlled app. There is a bunch of advantages to it.

On the other side of it, I need Windows 10 on my office/gaming machine to support DirectX 12 (7 and 8.1 wont get it) and my hardware is all up to spec to support it (i7 5820 ad GTX970). I use a shared Ceton tuner, so on my Office machine, I can watch live tv from the cablecard sitting in the main HTPC, a feature I use a lot.

Right now, unless Windows Media Center comes, once Windows 10 is final/RTM, I will have no choice but, to dual boot, Windows 7 for work and TV, Windows 10 ONLY for gaming.

Sure I would like to use Windows 10 for everything when it goes to RTM (like what they have done with it so far) but, with out Windows Media Center that is a major part of my media based life in my home, I wont be able to go to it.

I personally know a LOT of people who use WMC in a office type of thing to watch tv, news updates, etc, after discussing with a lot of these people, 90% of them have NO plans on going to Windows 10.

Good job Microsoft, a small app that a lot of people still use for TV that is one of the best programs you ever created, it will work on Windows 10 (I can confirm that) but, instead you just want to create fragmentation in Windows.

Nice job....
Pretty much almost started #WindowsMediaCenter (there was only 5 posts on twitter using that hashtag when I started using it), and #WMC is used for something else, There is an event of some type and they use that hashtag

Look at my sig and look over my tweets, you can clearly see I have been tweeting for Windows Media Center.

I was responding to your comment, above the comment above, that encourages people to look at a link "below", but you didn't provide a link?
It's official, Windows 10 builds no longer have Windows Media Center files in it. I downloaded and installed 10147 to a VM, the files are no longer there (first build with out them). The hacks to get WMC to install by modifying the ISO will no longer work...

I have been capturing the files so they can be installed at a later point in a newer build, might be needing to be patched to run, something we are looking into...

Maybe I'll have some luck...Maybe...seeing Microsoft does not care for us WMC users...
One thing I really can't live without is the slideshow while listening to music via the XBOX 360 extender. We have a massive photo collection and we love to view them on our Media Center Extender while listening to music. Nothing on the XBOX One comes close. NOTHING. I can view our pictures in the OneDrive App and SNAP XBOX Music but it doesn't truly shuffle the pictures... it is not idea... need a replacement for this.
I'm hoping above all hopes that Microsoft will somehow activate network tuner support on the XB1 since the now have the OTA tuner option. With Win10, they can do it...but will they? Time will tell. It appears they've given up on WMC users.
One thing I really can't live without is the slideshow while listening to music via the XBOX 360 extender. We have a massive photo collection and we love to view them on our Media Center Extender while listening to music. Nothing on the XBOX One comes close. NOTHING. I can view our pictures in the OneDrive App and SNAP XBOX Music but it doesn't truly shuffle the pictures... it is not idea... need a replacement for this.
I must say: for watching and recording live TV so far Kodi in combination with DVBLogic is a worthy replacement. However, I still liked the way you were able to delete recordings in WMC better.
And I completely agree with you on the slideshows with the music. I use that a lot in WMC! Kodi has a slide show option too, but I would like to be able to pin it to the start screen. And what I really miss from the Kodi slide show is the option to delete pictures as they get shown, get more information on the pictures or even just show the picture data while watching the slide show.
I must say: for watching and recording live TV so far Kodi in combination with DVBLogic is a worthy replacement. However, I still liked the way you were able to delete recordings in WMC better.
And I completely agree with you on the slideshows with the music. I use that a lot in WMC! Kodi has a slide show option too, but I would like to be able to pin it to the start screen. And what I really miss from the Kodi slide show is the option to delete pictures as they get shown, get more information on the pictures or even just show the picture data while watching the slide show.

This is no substitute solution for Windows Media Center (WMC) as a whole house, family friendly, system for recording and viewing multiple channels of DRM TV and movies on Cable TV. Windows 7 / WMC / and Ceton InfiniTV with Xbox 360 extenders is great and still works in rooms throughout our home.
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i am a member of the german media center community (mce-community).
We started an campaign to rescue the Windows Media Center in Winows 10.
Because a am a new member i am not allowed to post links...
If you want to help us to save our beloved Media Center please google the page mediacenterdontdie dot com and sign up our petition.
Please, anyone reading this comment, do the topic justice, and read the entire string of comments. This all, is important information, for you to consider.

New information: I received an email, yesterday, from Microsoft asking me to participate in a questionnaire about my usage of my computers. I filled it out. One of the first questions asked what I use my Windows computer to do? The list was almost 20 items and they only let me choose 3 of them. It seemed biased, so I made sure that one of my three "uses" was "Watching TV". Watching TV, (using Windows Media Center) is a major use, of the eight (8) or more of my uses of my Microsoft computers.

If anyone receives this questionnaire, please give consideration to your use of Windows Media Center.

Just, for your information.

Best wishes.

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