Windows Phone 8.1 update 14203 Battery life

I was wondering if anyone has had this issue since the update. I can charge my phone to 100% then when I goto sleep I put it in airplane mode and by the time I wake up the phone is dead. Does anyone know whats going on here?
I am getting around 4-5hrs back up on full charge. I am using a Nokia Lumia 620 and i am facing this issue after updating to cyan.Also i am unable to connect my phone to my PC.When i connect my phone to my PC,its getting charged but my PC fails to detect the phone.Tried hard reset for at least 8 times but no luck.
You can read my post for more info:
Opposite for me. I feel like my 1520's battery life got a bit better. But then again I never worry about battery life with this phone.
L521 here!!! After latest update and a "soft-reset" I've seen a noticeable battery life improvement. After a full charge before going to bed and losing around 3% from 12am to 7am (battery saver ON) when I get home at night (around 9pm) from work+college I still have around 40% left(moderate to heavy usage) I love it when I see my classmates charging their iphones/nexus/galaxy's and I'm there like nah I still have battery on my Lumia :D.
My wife has noticed a big decrease in battery life since the update on her 925. She lives on Facebook though so it's definitely eating battery lol. However, she can charge the phone and without touching it the phone will drain battery much faster than before. I advised her to factory reset but she refuses lol. So I'm thinking about doing it tonight after she falls asleep and I'll let you know if it helps.

Best leave her phone alone, if you know what's best for you :P.

I'm monitoring what happens with my 920, it is too early tell what effect this update has had.
I was wondering if anyone has had this issue since the update. I can charge my phone to 100% then when I goto sleep I put it in airplane mode and by the time I wake up the phone is dead. Does anyone know whats going on here?

FWIW (simply my opinion with some basis in logic) :
IF you leave an app OPEN (in background) that consumes data with NO data available - said app will probably continue to poll, looking for a connection (WiFi or Cellular). That app could (should) show high usage in Battery Saver - but may NOT (may show as system). That could represent your issue.

The other variable, which often makes issues difficult to diagnose, is everybody's phone is different., both in use case (how) and app portfolio (what). Even with the (alleged) dearth of apps in the Store, there are enough, that NO two phones are likely to be exactly alike. That explains differing opinions about battery life, just in this thread. A rogue app (which may NOT show in Battery Saver), could be gulping significant battery. I'd be looking @ the last few apps I installed, followed by any older apps (haven't been updated in a year).

My personal experience with the latest Dev Preview update, has been improved battery life, but as always YMMV.
I've had noticeable battery drain issues on both 920 and 1520 devices since the update. I have done the standard hard reboot after installing, and turned off every setting I can to minimize this, yet both devices are suffering. I've also noticed a discrepancy between the lock screen battery % and the active screen pull down %.
I've gone back to my other 1520 (yes,I have two), and NOT done the upgrade, and there is a noticable difference. I'm going to do a full wipe of the effected 1520 and see if that fixes anything.
I'm having horrid battery drain no matter what I do - I haven't changed anything since before the update, same settings and apps installed, use the phone in the same manner but my battery is being smashed. My L1020 is majorly affected, but (luckily) my wifes L1020 is not.



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After the latest update, my battery has started doing somersaults again.. was at 47% and did a soft reboot - down to 29%... lol???
Looks like they broke something in trying to fix something else :grincry: as on the last update this didn't happen. However nn the plus side I don't appear to getting the dead battery logo flash up at restart.

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