New member
- Sep 12, 2012
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As far as play counts go if the playcount is stored in the file, when you transfer the file that information will transfer too, but there are no applications I can find - Xbox Music and Nokia Music just give options to add files to now playing or delete a file - that will show you any detailed information about a file at all so while the information is likely to be there it will be mostly useless and won't be displayed or influence how your phone plays music at all.
Playlist order from what I can tell in playlists created in Windows Media Player at least, always play files in the order they were added to the playlist.
I've tried to setup a photo playlist to sync automatically in Windows Media Player - and you can be quite specific about which files are synced when etc but once you get the files on the device it shows up at a playlist so you only get music applications trying to open photo's which never works. As far as I can tell there might be a way to do what you want using Skydrive. Setup the pictures you want to sync in a Skydrive Album and sync them to your phone. If you're using another person's phone I think you might be able to sign in to your own Skydrive using the Skydrive app and download the album you want to sync there. I've yet to try it out completely but let me know if it works if you have time to try this fully before I can.
Hope any of this helps!
Thanks! I hope one day they'll let us synch our music. It will be a plus for me! I was used to itunes with my iPhone. I'm switching tomorrow to a 920. Can't wait.