Windows Phone competing platform support (Rumor)

Few friends of mine would like android apps on WP. Instagram and some other...
But I am satisfied with WP. I want just start screen background picture option :)
The upside to this is it'll make my decision to switch to an iPhone easy if MS really does bring Android apps to WP.
We've already covered this earlier in the year... Please close the thread. More BS 'rumours'!!!!
BlackBerry sold about 1.5 million BB10 devices the last quarter, that wouldn't be possible without Android apps, so It's working well for them.
Microsoft as a company is 100 times bigger than BlackBerry, but WP's sales are only 6 times bigger than BB10's.
BlackBerry sold about 1.5 million BB10 devices the last quarter, that wouldn't be possible without Android apps, so It's working well for them.
Microsoft as a company is 100 times bigger than BlackBerry, but WP's sales are only 6 times bigger than BB10's.
It's working well for them? Their market share is dwindling and has been in dead zone and you call that working for them.
ANdroid apps are not why they still sell phones. Loyalty is. Bb fans are quite loyal.
The upside to this is it'll make my decision to switch to an iPhone easy if MS really does bring Android apps to WP.
As soon as I saw the thread I immediately said "let me go ahead and get that iPhone 6+ again."
If mMicrosoft does this, this is effectively killing windows phone and becoming a me too os and I'm done.
Oh well, all this Android support craps again, getting sick of it. If this is true, for God's sake, I will sell my Lumia for an Android. Why should I buy a Windows Phone for Android apps?

I'll do the same..I totally agree that android apps on WP is a bad idea..but MS ain't seemed to be bothered. So I'll nit waste time running Android apps on a WP..I'll just get an Android device. Simple.
Maybe hardcore Windows users wouldn't like having Android Support - but wouldn't this remove one pain point for potential buyers? You get the simplicity of the Windows OS and all of your Android apps get to come along for the ride.

Sure you can say "well, people would just go for an Android phone" - but isn't that just a glass half-empty way of looking at it?
It would be great to be able to use (More) apps on windows phone. No matter if they are android or not.
It's working well for them? Their market share is dwindling and has been in dead zone and you call that working for them.
ANdroid apps are not why they still sell phones. Loyalty is. Bb fans are quite loyal.

It's a small company, you can't expect a big market share. The brand was destroyed by the previous management, they're just stabilizing the company. Under these circumstances, 1.5 million units is an amazing achievement compared with the 9 million Lumia units that Microsoft shipped the last quarter.

Without Android apps BB10 phones would be useless, nobody buys a useless phone because of loyalty. Since a couple of months ago, BlackBerry is pre-installing the Amazon AppStore, so now BB10 has a better app selection than WP.
Do you thinking any developer will continue write native apps if the systems from MS get android support?
They shouldn't allow android apps. They should stick with windows only, for a year see how it goes then take a decision whether to allow android apps or not.
My work device is a blackberry, the Android apps run slow (if they run at all), it's really a terrible experience. And of course, because there are android apps there are very few native apps.
If MS allow android to run on Windows Phone, as much as I'm not a fan, I'll be off for an iPhone.

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