Windows Phone competing platform support (Rumor)

MS if you wanted the remaining sensible smartphone users to choose IOS/ANDROID you should have announced this just before WP8.1 update.
It's an hyperbole, I'm not suggesting that Microsoft should really fire Nadella.

The point is, Stating that Android apps are a bad idea because BlackBerry's market share is low is nonsense, because BlackBerry is doing relatively better than Microsoft taking into account the circumstances, the size of both companies, the budget and the complementary assets.

WP is underperforming, I don't think sales can be lower than this.

And the fact you think blackberry is doing better than Microsoft is laughable.

Of course sales can be lower. They could be as low as blackberry.

Trying to rationalize 1.5 million to 9.5 million sold and somehow less is better...i can't with that. It's okay to be a fan of a product but lets makes sense
*Sits in Armchair CEO*

First of all, I'd start showing more confidence within my own OS and ecosystem by showing either Priority by releasing the apps FIRST....and not make my users wait for months or even a year or so for the same app OR i'd release them all at the same time or within the same time frame with feature parity.

Secondly, i'd realize that I have a great gold mine of a feature like Xbox Live and stop making it so difficult for those who WANT to actually develop for my platform and bring games to my users who want things like achievements.

Thirdly, I would not wait an entire year before releasing a phone.....if necessary, I'd simply release a mildly upgraded Lumia 1525 for Carriers like T-Mobile, Sprint and Verizon OR Bring the Icon to the other carriers. Or even bring high end stuff to Canada....If I see people are clamoring, I am not going to expect my users to wait a year because that's a risk that could very well blow up in my face.

Fourth, I'd stop releasing Low end after Low end device with little to no differentiation between the two. If I was going to bring out a 535 later...then why even waste time with a 530. Just make the actual 630-635 the 530 and bring out the 535 as the 630/635.

Instead, let's confuse users....and if rumors pan out, let's confuse em even more by adding MORE options like a Lumia 430.

OR hey...let's release a phone like the 830 but price it too high for what it offers and gimp it on the FFC but let's throw that amazing FFC into the 730/735 and yet gimp it on the back camera. Why not simply merge the two into the perfect Mid range/selfie phone...there's little differentiation between the two.

Fifth, I'd realize that while my marketshare is not high and at times slipping, that perhaps annoying my loyal users by degrading the experience(I.e. Xbox Music) and then saying wait till Windows 10 is not the way to go about retaining loyalty.

Or releasing that despite breaking things like Hubs from the OS, it actually hasn't really helped the APPgate that much. I'd realize that simply following trends and trying to be like Google/Android is not the way to go about it because I am only alienating my userbase by ignoring their wants....They don't want yet another low end or midrange. They want a Lumia flagship...

I'd realize that I need to stop following trends because the thing about trends is...THEY CHANGE instantly....and I'd adapt to trends while using them to my advantage and making my experience unique. With all the money that Microsoft throws around, enter into a contractual agreement with these developers or get Rudy to actually make the apps. If they don't want to make it, then at least try and pay them for access. You may not be able to do it for every app but do it for the big apps...6snap(Snapchat), 6sec(Vine), 6tag(Instagram/FB), 6tin(Tinder). Pay them for access if they don't want to do it themselves.

Sixth, market my devices.......and actually showcase them and make creative ads....not some random commercial. More Commercials like the Lumia 1020 commercials.

That's 6 things I'd do :) And Luckily for me, I actually do have a very tiny voice within Microsoft and I use it daily :D
People like you should be on the windows phone OS team
I dopn't see it happening, MSFT already has the slow and stealthy version of EEE going: release a bunch of apps on Android, and subtly hint "If you like these, you'll love them in their native environment!".
My view : I think MS brings new cross-platform tools in visual studio 2015 so that they can work on cross-platforms in the same integrated environment..
By this developers can write the code in one platform and port to other platforms without much effort..I think this is called Universal..(Android + Apple + Windows + WindowsPhone)...Visual studio is likely to head that way.. So the app gap likely to decrease with the new Visual Studio..
Universal..(Android + Apple + Windows + WindowsPhone)...Visual studio is likely to head that way.

Sounds good but how does this work when the APIs between platforms are probably not equivalent?

If it's anything like cross compilers of the past, the result will be bloated, inordinately slow apps... Just think how Word 6 ran on the PC compared with the Mac! (Yeah, I know that's going back many years...)
I seriously hope this is a "certified rumour".
Although it would be both a plus and a minus for WP should this happen.
On the plus side: Developers need only code once for an app that can be run on 2 different platforms. Then, those who love WP BUT can't use it because of "lack of apps" (an annoying word to me) will now make that switch to WP.

On the minus side: What becomes of WP developers, particularly those like Rudy who give us 3rd party apps (that actually superpass the official ones in terms of features)? Cos if android apps makes their way to WP then will the official apps thereby putting guys like Rudy "out of business"
Secondly, android apps are known to be a lot of lags on devices they run on (need I say more on this?)
Again, I think a certain set of people, like those who consider market shares before knowing what mobile OS to go for, would be thinking "why should I buy a WP because of android apps when the market share is still very poor?" (which is actually changing)
Oh my god world turning into android .if wp allows android app I won't install it.I will only use my existing apps
Sounds good but how does this work when the APIs between platforms are probably not equivalent?

If it's anything like cross compilers of the past, the result will be bloated, inordinately slow apps... Just think how Word 6 ran on the PC compared with the Mac! (Yeah, I know that's going back many years...)

Sure API's are different and I don't know how MS would achieve this... But I saw a cross-platform template in VS 2015 which will allow developers to currently create binaries targeting both the Windows and Android platform respectively.The Cross Platform template will also highlight Visual C++'s ability to share and author code across these platforms easily..

Read this:
Every time I see this type of thread I smack my head against the nearest wall...

It would be very logical for MS to look at the possibility of porting android apps, however the technical drawbacks would send this one packing. You would need to run an emulator of some kind to interpret Java which will be an expensive resource that the low-end phones would crawl.

I'm for Rudy's suggestion (rudyhuyn comments on Microsoft hones its plans to try to close the app gap) that Android apps are written using Visual Studio which would then be able to port to both Android and Windows (being Universal app).

MS could use their 'marketing' budget to help offset the costs of the development for the more major apps, or like the FB app MS would create it using FB's api's. In theory Snapchat could offer the same to MS if they so wished.

I think MS need to kill off this rumour once and for all, as I find it damaging of the Windows Phone brand.

WinPhone is starting to show in the main stream, watch a show nowadays and NOT see a windows phone. Last night I was watching Scorpion and they were prominently showing the Surface and I believe a 1020.

MS just need to hold their nerve, and bring new game changing stuff in Win10.

Sounds good but how does this work when the APIs between platforms are probably not equivalent?

If it's anything like cross compilers of the past, the result will be bloated, inordinately slow apps... Just think how Word 6 ran on the PC compared with the Mac! (Yeah, I know that's going back many years...)

That's what SDK's are for.

Every time I see this type of thread I smack my head against the nearest wall...

It would be very logical for MS to look at the possibility of porting android apps, however the technical drawbacks would send this one packing. You would need to run an emulator of some kind to interpret Java which will be an expensive resource that the low-end phones would crawl.

I'm for Rudy's suggestion (rudyhuyn comments on Microsoft hones its plans to try to close the app gap) that Android apps are written using Visual Studio which would then be able to port to both Android and Windows (being Universal app).

MS could use their 'marketing' budget to help offset the costs of the development for the more major apps, or like the FB app MS would create it using FB's api's. In theory Snapchat could offer the same to MS if they so wished.

I think MS need to kill off this rumour once and for all, as I find it damaging of the Windows Phone brand.

WinPhone is starting to show in the main stream, watch a show nowadays and NOT see a windows phone. Last night I was watching Scorpion and they were prominently showing the Surface and I believe a 1020.

MS just need to hold their nerve, and bring new game changing stuff in Win10.


Exactly my thought :)
ok, on the fence with this one. I guess I would be OK with it, as long as WP apps cant run on Android.

No question, there is a app gap, there is about 3-4 apps that would CLOSE the gap for me but, after pestering companies, it does not look like it's happening any time soon. This would no question fix this problem.

Gamers, to think...There are some EPIC games for Android that WP owners could just dream of, yea, no Xbox live but, you can play epic games as well ? I say go for it !

As long as we don't get the crappy laggy stuff from Android, yea, I am all for it right now.
They can add the ability to run android apps hidden inside Windows 10, then talk with just that popular Android games that are missing in Windows (Phone) Store and add those to Windows Store.

This way, no one would even know that those games are actually an Android app, and developers won't lose interest in Universal Apps concept.

BTW, best thing is what Rudy Huyn said in twitter: Doing the opposite. allowing Windows Universal apps to be installed on Android.
That's what SDK's are for.

I've only toyed briefly with programming. But are you saying that I could write an app to run on Windows phone with no consideration to how it would look/feel on Android or iOS, and the SDK would magically produce apps for those platforms that work the same as on Windows Phone?

That would be amazing.

(Sorry, but I really am ignorant of such things!)
Horrible, horrible, horrible idea. If by some chance it does come to fruition, it's back to iPhone I go. I want no part of Android apps on my phone. Hell, I have an HTC One M7 that I've used mostly as a tablet and I barely even use it. Apps run immeasurably better on Windows Phone and iPhone. Too much lag on Android, plus there's always the privacy issues and possible malware threats. Having Android apps invade Windows Phone would completely kill the platform. Why can't Microsoft just focus on *Windows Phone* and developing more *Windows Phone* apps?

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