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- Apr 1, 2012
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I would say dead is when the core functions the device came with no longer work, at all. Windows XP has been EOL for how long now? It still works though. As for smartphones, I would put PalmOS and Windows Mobile 6.5 (consumer versions) on the list of dead since neither can fetch any email and their browsers are all but useless. For as dead as webOS is mentioned, Exchange works perfectly and even Skype still works on my Touchpad.It's not dead until the support lifecycle ends. This could be as long as 2019:
https://support.microsoft.com/en-us...=PN&alpha=Windows 10 Mobile&Filter=FilterNO#;
Microsoft will continue to provide security updates until these dates.
I wouldn't expect new features... so it is dead in the way Windows 7 is dead. Still usable and serviced, just no longer being significantly advanced.
When people say an OS is missing this feature or that feature and proclaim it dead, then the question becomes "did it ever have it in the first place?" You mentioned Windows 7. It doesn't have Cortana so should we dump a shovel full of dirt on it?
Sent from my HP Elite x3 on mTalk