Worth buying at full price?


New member
Nov 20, 2010
Hey guys,

I'm very highly considering buying the HTC Trophy this weekend for full price ($429.99). Is it worth it? I have a concession line through my work for Verizon, so my plan each month is very cheap, but the caveat is that I don't qualify for subsidized pricing on new phones. I really like it and want the phone, and the only reason I'm not buying used is because I don't like not having a warranty and there are none on my local Craigslist.
If you can wait, I would wait for a couple of months for the NEW hardware, less chance of buyers remorse.
Yeah I've considered that, but I'm worried that like with the first gen, Verizon won't get a new one until T-Mobile, AT&T, and Sprint have first.
Hi Ashykat the Trophy to me is a very underrated phone. You have to remember the Trophy is going to get the Mango update so to me its worth it. I am a big Zune Fan so to buy a Zune hd its around 200 bucks and that is if you still can find them. I say go for it while you can. If for some strange reason they do come out with a new windows phone and you have to have it you can sell the Trophy on ebay for a nice price. This phone and OS is awsome.....
I agree with Eric, the Trophy is very under rated. If you're jonesing for on, get a used one off Craigslist then find a SanDisk 32GB Class 2 microSD and upgrade the memory. IMHO the Trophy with 32GB is the only device I need to carry.
I've been shopping around for a Trophy for the wife and it seems that you can get a brand new one off ebay or amazon for around $300-$325.
I have played with many smart phones from iPhone to Samsung Facinate to Droid X. I waited a long time for Verizon to carry the HTC Trophy, but did not hesitate to but it at subsidized from of $139. I believe the subsidized price is now $99. Anyway, would have paid $199 like most subsidized smart phones currently cost. I did a lot of research an played with a similar WP7 HTC phone (Surround I think) the ATT store.

To sum it up, I am very happy with this phones performance and the WP7 interface.

BTW, I am not sure if this will help you , but Amazon has a version of this phone unlocked for $299.

Amazon.com: HTC 7 Trophy T8686 Windows Phone 7 Unlocked GSM Smartphone with 5 MP Camera, Wi-Fi, GPS, Touchscreen - Unlocked Phone - No Warranty - Black: Cell Phones & Accessories
I would jump in, the water is really great. Mango is going to bring most of what we have waited on. With the new WP7 phones hitting the street in mid to late August, maybe the update will come to us by October.

The one thing I objected to from the start with WP7 OS was the lack of direct sync with Outlook. I use the Outlook Connector and it works OK but I still worry about having my personal data on the Cloud. As much as I love the phone and the OS, I still may move on if this doesn't get rectified soon after Mango.
I bit the bullet and ordered one off of ebay. I had a hard time with the nearly $500 I'd be paying after tax for a new one, so I got one at about half that. Looking forward to it arriving. :)
Unlocked phones don't mean anything on a cdma network like verizon or sprint. unlocked usually means the gsm part is unlocked to take any sim.
Just upgraded my Trophy to Mango Beta 2 and man does it go. Just learning the things the new OS can do so jump in and upgrade.
Unlocked phones don't mean anything on a cdma network like verizon or sprint. unlocked usually means the gsm part is unlocked to take any sim.

I was under the impression that the HTC Trophy was both CDMA & GSM, or perhaps there is a GSM and CDMA version? On the HTC website it lists that it is both capable of CDMA & GSM. However, the link supplied earlier in this thread to Amazon is an unlocked GSM HTC Trophy.

HTC 7 Trophy Product Overview - HTC Smartphones
I was under the impression that the HTC Trophy was both CDMA & GSM, or perhaps there is a GSM and CDMA version? On the HTC website it lists that it is both capable of CDMA & GSM. However, the link supplied earlier in this thread to Amazon is an unlocked GSM HTC Trophy.

HTC 7 Trophy Product Overview - HTC Smartphones

There are two versions of the Trophy. The Verizon specific is CDMA + GSM, so the unlocked phone linked to in this thread is not compatible with Verizon.
Good call on eBay, I just bought mine there a couple weeks ago for $200 brand new.
was in the same boat - upgrade was up in June but i wanted to wait for the latest phones to hit with Mango before renewing contract on Verizon. ended up buying a slightly used trophy for 270 on ebay. think its well worth it and will allow me the flexibility to hang around and wait for the latest and greatest, plus get familiar with windows 7.

just dont make the mistake i did in buying the international version which is NOT compatible with Verizon. returned it but hoping that i dont get dinged for opening the package =/

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