Would anyone else like Desktop mode when a phone is connected to a TV / Display?

^ I don't think you got any of the things you originally asked for. You're not getting the desktop, nor are you getting desktop software. What you're getting is a phone that can switch to a second UI mode when being displayed on a larger screen, like a TV, while simultaneously supporting mouse and keyboard input.

I think this is a great thing and I'm really looking forward to trying this out! However, MS specifically refers this this as a desktop-like experience, because it's not the desktop. What MS showed us is not what most people think of when they say they want a phone with desktop capabilities. Specifically, it won't run any of the Win32 software. You provided the perfect example by stating what you want the desktop for, namely to run Win32 desktop software like Diskpart/MMC/scripting environments/etc. None of those will run in the desktop-like environment MS demonstrated today, because it's not the desktop.

Like I said, that which we typically call the desktop environment isn't feasible, nor even really desirable on phones (for the reasons Cleavitt76 mentioned). Personally, I think you're getting something better, provided you can do without Win32 software like those titles you mentioned.

What I'm afraid of, is that Windows 10 is really not the same OS as MS says it is, and RT / x86 / Phone are very different, but it's the universal apps that makes them 'feel' the same...

Which is exactly how it is.
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This will be another feature that's out there, but noone will use it. I had something similar on my older phone. You could connect it to a mouse and keyboard (USB and/or Bluetooth) and to a TV/Monitor via HDMI, and it would seem like a PC. But it truly went unused. Nobody cared about it because you could just do it on your phone. It's too much trouble for just having a bigger screen (which isn't that much of a benefit). Not to mention you had to carry all the cables and things you wanted to use around (unless they are stationary somewhere).

All in all, it's OK. I can see people using it, and there probably will be people using it, but it's nothing worth freaking out about. Not even close.

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