Would You Get a Non-Black Phone?

Of course... I currently have a white iPhone 4S. Apple did it right. I would never get the white device on an EVO.
Yep, cyan or that sexy red Nokia.

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Deep red Nokia with 4.5" screen. Wouldn't even hesitate!
As a matter of fact, my Barely There case is red =D

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Since most of the stuff I own is black... I would go with black, due to it just fits in with all the rest of my electronics.

Black for me too, only other non black phone i've had was a silver Nokia E61 which I loved.
i like black, (have a focus s), grey or any other dark-ish color is ok too, but I can't stand white on electronics in general because white plastic eventually turns a nasty dingy grey color, the only one to do white right was apple, where they put it behind glass so it doesn't change color.
I always think white looks so tacky no matter what it is. (Even the iPhone)

But it's all a personal thing, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. :)

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