WP going back to the store....going to Android


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Aug 5, 2011
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Umm if anything, it seems that what you've just said also describes the situation many Lumia 920 users are experiencing right now. It goes both ways.

I'm not sure that I actually buy that line. Looking at the posters on the forum, several have come from Apple and Android forums, and if you follow them back there, are asking questions about their current devices.

I know about 15 people who have upgraded, and not one of them has had the issues in question. If this was truly a widespread issue, such as Antennagate, iPhone 5 Scratch/Chipgate, etc., at least one or two of them would have those issues (just as several iPhone users I know suffered from those problems).

Thus, I question the validity of the statement. Even in WP-centric blogs where "complainers" would outnumber people reporting "no problems," the rate of complaining is below 33% (and that's after all the "new to WP but having lots of trouble people" of dubious origin have voted).


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Nov 7, 2012
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I'm not sure that I actually buy that line. Looking at the posters on the forum, several have come from Apple and Android forums, and if you follow them back there, are asking questions about their current devices.

I know about 15 people who have upgraded, and not one of them has had the issues in question. If this was truly a widespread issue, such as Antennagate, iPhone 5 Scratch/Chipgate, etc., at least one or two of them would have those issues (just as several iPhone users I know suffered from those problems).

Thus, I question the validity of the statement. Even in WP-centric blogs where "complainers" would outnumber people reporting "no problems," the rate of complaining is below 33% (and that's after all the "new to WP but having lots of trouble people" of dubious origin have voted).
And I personally know 13+ people who have Android phones all without symptoms as you have described in your earlier post such as lag, rebooting and crashes. Again, it goes both ways.Just because you personally had issues with an Android phone doesn't mean the whole user base does as well.

As to the OP, I honestly do not know if he is a troll or not. Honestly, him switching back to an iPhone due to his reason is kinda weird in my opinion but I guess that only proves that everyone uses their phone differently. My contract is up on Christmas and for the past month and a half, I have been digging for all the information I can about WP8 and Android. I am currently on a 3GS and so I know that either phone I get will be a HUGE improvement to what I currently am using. I have been on this forum for about the same time but only have recently created an account. No doubt, I'm sure many other users did the same but sadly, they are considered "trolls" just because they have something negative to say and have a low post count. The only reason I am even on this forum is because it seems to have the most active WP8 community on the Internet.

But upon comparing the features, I've come to realize that WP8 just needs to be refined a whole lot more before it can truly compete with the other two. Like seriously...no VPN? Are you kidding me?! What I do agree with you is that it does seem a bit strange that many professional reviews have not reported many of the problems as noted here on this forum. I still have time before I make my final decision but I really need to see something happen from Microsoft and/or Nokia to show that they are really committed to this and I'm not just talking about pouring a billion dollars into advertising. I need them to address real issues.

Whatever the outcome, I feel like I'm still attracted to WP8 even if it's not going to be my next phone. I am heavily and I mean heavily invested in Microsoft technology, especially on the server side and so I really want them to succeed and really give both Android and Apple a run for their money.


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Nov 9, 2012
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Well I have had no major issues with my phone or the wifes. My battery is good after I turned off some background stuff. I had everything you could sync all the time, I Love live tiles :)

I do have minor complaints but I know those things will get updated by MS. Example the wifi turning off, being able to close an app from the list showing all open apps...etc
I do know MS will update and continue to improve things. Unlike android that depending on version you may never see an update, or apple that does a great job updating once they
finally acknowledge there is a problem ;)

As for the OP's reason, not really sure if he is truthful or not. It would be nice to know what exactly he is having an issue with.


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Sep 17, 2012
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You have been back responding to the thread. A few have asked which app you used. Mind sharing that info? It would actually be helpful for the community.



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Nov 15, 2012
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If you want to leave just go. I switched from the HTC Shift Android to my 920 and WP8 beats Android to me hands down. Notice I didn't go to the Android forum to tell everyone that. I only post in the WP forums. Why? Because if I posted in an Android forum just to say I was going to WP8 it would be trolling. And pathetic. So c ya, no more need for anymore posts from you.


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Nov 13, 2012
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I have been a part of Android, WebOS, Blackberry, and iOS forums for years now. Windows Phone is now mature enough that I started paying more attention. For the most part, I really like what I've seen, even to the point of considering buy a WP8 device.

Some people on forums get defensive about their choice of mobile platform like you sucker punched a member of their family. I was pointing out a few things that need cleaned up in order for me, personally, to commit a few hundred dollars. Included in that is what I believe the WP8 platform needs to become a mainstream hit.

Instagram is a very popular social network, not just a photo app with filters. Personally, I hate it, but it is hugely popular.

Not all Android devices area laggy. There are a ton out there that are complete junk, granted. I had a GSM Galaxy Nexus that was my second favorite phone of all time (behind a 2002 Sony Ericsson device that was a beautiful aluminum/piano back plastic design that seemed a little ahead of its time). It was very smooth, and very capable, even more so after Jelly Bean. Like it or not, Android is a mature & comprehensive platform.

WP8 has a lot to offer, that's why I'm considering buying a WP8 phone. The criticisms are fair though.

A few of you have said that the App market will grow and be competitive, I agree. A few have said iOS and Android had more issues this early in their development, I mostly agree. However, right now we are comparing current WP8 to current iOS and Android. iOS and Android have some great features that WP8 needs to polish up to be competitive Right Now. I need a device that is great Right Now, not in 6 months or a year or 2 years. By then, i'll be in the market for a new device and consider my options then.

One last thing, Nokia fanboys (not tech fans who like Nokia products, my apologies to them) on here are ridiculous. They are a similar breed to the blind sheep, hipster Apple fanboys (not fans, again apologies to true tech fans who like Apple products.)


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Jul 29, 2011
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I have been a part of Android, WebOS, Blackberry, and iOS forums for years now. Windows Phone is now mature enough that I started paying more attention. For the most part, I really like what I've seen, even to the point of considering buy a WP8 device.

Some people on forums get defensive about their choice of mobile platform like you sucker punched a member of their family. I was pointing out a few things that need cleaned up in order for me, personally, to commit a few hundred dollars. Included in that is what I believe the WP8 platform needs to become a mainstream hit.

Instagram is a very popular social network, not just a photo app with filters. Personally, I hate it, but it is hugely popular.

Not all Android devices area laggy. There are a ton out there that are complete junk, granted. I had a GSM Galaxy Nexus that was my second favorite phone of all time (behind a 2002 Sony Ericsson device that was a beautiful aluminum/piano back plastic design that seemed a little ahead of its time). It was very smooth, and very capable, even more so after Jelly Bean. Like it or not, Android is a mature & comprehensive platform.

WP8 has a lot to offer, that's why I'm considering buying a WP8 phone. The criticisms are fair though.

A few of you have said that the App market will grow and be competitive, I agree. A few have said iOS and Android had more issues this early in their development, I mostly agree. However, right now we are comparing current WP8 to current iOS and Android. iOS and Android have some great features that WP8 needs to polish up to be competitive Right Now. I need a device that is great Right Now, not in 6 months or a year or 2 years. By then, i'll be in the market for a new device and consider my options then.

One last thing, Nokia fanboys (not tech fans who like Nokia products, my apologies to them) on here are ridiculous. They are a similar breed to the blind sheep, hipster Apple fanboys (not fans, again apologies to true tech fans who like Apple products.)

I think that is a big problem with WP. You have 3 different kinds of people: 1) WP does everything they need and are happy with it. 2) WP does not do everything they need, but are willing to wait for updates. 3) WP does not do everything they need, so they're switching to iOS/Android.

WPCentral has some of the worst fanboys I've ever seen, but you can point them out relatively quickly. They don't make up the majority of people here, but I agree they can be annoying.

Legitimate issues need to be addressed, insulting people for their needs and how WP is not fulfilling them is hurting this community.


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People can't expect to come to WP and make it into their old phone.

Sometimes, when you're using a completely different OS with a different design philosophy, you need to see if there are different ways to accomplish the same goal.


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Nov 15, 2012
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thetommy, I have said this in another post and I'll say it again, this is a Windows Phone forum, it's okay to be a WP ****** here. In fact, the reason most people are in any device or OS forum is they are huge fans of that device or OS. That's the purpose of the forum.

People have to think about where they post something and what the intent of the post was. I don't care what phone a person wants, but don't go declare it in the forum of the phone you are leaving. That is the literal definition of trolling.


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Nov 20, 2012
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If you are having "issues" with certain radio stations, then the least you can do is let us know what they are. Tunein radio has pretty much any radio station imaginable. Did you try that?

Tried Tune In. Station looks like it connects, but no sound. (Yes, the volume was up).

Also tried downloading TuneIn app, got: !This app is not available for your device.

I'm using a Nokia 810 on TMo.


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Sep 17, 2012
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People can't expect to come to WP and make it into their old phone.

Sometimes, when you're using a completely different OS with a different design philosophy, you need to see if there are different ways to accomplish the same goal.

that's the issue. With WP, often there is not. Or... Its so much more work that I would rather not bother.

I sort of hate the motto of WP. It brings out the apologist in everyone.

I like the platform. But there are still some incredibly basic things missing that just make little sense.


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Nov 13, 2012
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It's Ok (actually it's great) to be a WP fan here, fanboys of all kinds suck are are disillusioned idiots. Apple, MS, Google are not religions (thank Jeebus for that).


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Nov 15, 2012
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theetommy, yes you are correct. I am probably using the wrong terminology. I am a big WP fan, but as I have stated in my posts I have no issues if a person wants iOS or droid. But there really is no need to post that in a forum dedicated to WP8. If the intent of your post is to offer or ask for insight that's one thing. But if you have already made you decision and simply declare you are going to another OS because you didn't like one aspect, that's trolling.


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that's the issue. With WP, often there is not. Or... Its so much more work that I would rather not bother.

I sort of hate the motto of WP. It brings out the apologist in everyone.

I like the platform. But there are still some incredibly basic things missing that just make little sense.

The vast majority of things can be done, just differently. There are a few straggling things that will be addressed. I could say the same thing about Android if I was only familiar with the WP method and workflow? Where are my live tiles? Where are my rooms and groups? Where's my Kid's Corner? Unacceptable! Android is so far behind!

Liking the way WP does things isn't being an "apologist." That's an especially bad thing to call people when you claim to not like when people get on your back for disagreeing, since you're doing the exact same thing.

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