WP using POST with WebClient class


New member
Jan 27, 2012
Hello everybody,

I am new to this forum as well as Windows Phone Development. I am currently developing an app in which I am working with a Web-Service and I need to make a POST request to a web service.
I am trying to accomplish a user login functionality here for which,
-> http://abc.com/login (URI)
apikey: 32 byte long alpha-numeric
username: 3-15 characters
password: 3-15 characters

So for this I am trying to use WebClient class' UploadStringSync method in order to POST the data. My code is as follows.

WebClient wc1 = new WebClient();
wc1.UploadStringAsync(new Uri("http://abc.com/login"),"POST","?apikey=" + Apikey + "&username=username&password=password");
wc1.UploadStringCompleted += new UploadStringCompletedEventHandler(wc1_UploadStringCompleted);
void wc1_UploadStringCompleted(object sender, UploadStringCompletedEventArgs e)

Execution stops here at MessageBox line and throws message saying 'The remote server returned an error: NotFound.'

Is there any problem with the way I am passing the parameters? I tried to search for the working implementation everywhere but was unable to find it.

Can anybody help me with this? This is a starting point of my project and really need help on this one. Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

I really need to write a post how to do this for people and put on apphub. I'm sorry I dont have time for a full explaination as im off to mwc in a couple of hours but you usually get that message when your data format isnt correct. (I'm assuming you are connecting to a rest service).

Briefly the way I do it for json :-
On server,
Create a WCF REST project using the vsisual studio template, and make sure to declarate the method with [WebInvoke(UriTemplate = "/login", Method = "POST", RequestFormat=WebMessageFormat.Json, ResponseFormat=WebMessageFormat.Json)]

For the client & server have a class that represents your object e.g.
public class DataObj
public string ApiKey{ get; set; }
public string Username{ get; set; }
public string Password{ get; set; }

That will be passed to the server API e.g.
void login(DataObj instance);

Then when you call it from the client call it like this:-
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
if (wc != null)
Uri uri = new Uri( "http://abc.com/servicename/login/" );
wc.UploadStringAsync( uri, "POST", data);

where data would be the JSON representation of you data, in this case :-

{"ApiKey":"1234", "Username":"abc", "Password":"54321"}

Hope that helps you a bit

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