WP10 - does it make sense to buy phone with it? How the future of this OS will look like?

It's still not dead. Here's what's dead:



No longer made.
No longer sold.
No longer supported.
Hard to find replacement parts.
People don't really have them any longer.

That's what a dead product looks like.
It's still not dead. Here's what's dead:


No longer made.
No longer sold.
No longer supported.
Hard to find replacement parts.
People don't really have them any longer.

That's what a dead product looks like.
I call this dead. I walked into a Verizon store, leading wireless vendor in America. How many Windows Phones do you see? In case you can't make it out there are ZERO. that matches how many times Microsoft talked about it in 2016 as well except for the new mobile that is real win 10 on ARM. Resized_20170103_124358.jpegResized_20170103_124350.jpeg
I call this dead.

A lot of people do. It's a brave new world where words have no meaning any longer. An I mean that "literally".

I walked into a Verizon store, leading wireless vendor in America. How many Windows Phones do you see? In case you can't make it out there are ZERO.

Why would I care?

1: I'm on T-Mobile, and T-Mobile has a phone for sale.
2: I got the Lumia 950 last year, and it was a close to impossibly good offer.
3: At the time I got it, there were more Windows 10 Mobile phones available in the MS store than iPhones in the iPhone store
4: You can still get the X3 and more if you want, just not at Verizon.

Tiny market share [does not equal] "dead"

that matches how many times Microsoft talked about it in 2016 as well except for the new mobile that is real win 10 on ARM.

Like I said, words have no meaning any longer, which explains why you would perpetuate the above untruth (I'm being kind now).
A lot of people do. It's a brave new world where words have no meaning any longer. An I mean that "literally".

Why would I care?

1: I'm on T-Mobile, and T-Mobile has a phone for sale.
2: I got the Lumia 950 last year, and it was a close to impossibly good offer.
3: At the time I got it, there were more Windows 10 Mobile phones available in the MS store than iPhones in the iPhone store
4: You can still get the X3 and more if you want, just not at Verizon.

Tiny market share [does not equal] "dead"

Like I said, words have no meaning any longer, which explains why you would perpetuate the above untruth (I'm being kind now).
Enjoy your phone while it lasts. Have u been in an MS store lately? How many phones are in there? Again, enjoy your phone
With all these negative feed back from people. I like to see what would be the look on there face if Windows phones took a whole 360 this year or the next like how the surface is. I never saw the point of being severally negative about a product. I use to when I saw how apple was at first many years ago. Look at them now. Point is. I'm curious to see what will hit big for WM10 or W10ARM I can see a turn around if done right.
I didn't dare risk buying a new 650/950/950XL while they at full price and being universally condemned for hardware and software issues including here in the forums. Then MS sorted these issues and discounted the phone prices so much that they've sold out here in the UK at their Store and most of the retailers. There are still a few Lumia available here from retailers but no longer at rock bottom prices. They're back to the original full retail prices so now I don't dare risk buying because the future of both the phone and the OS is so uncertain. An Elite (can't afford it) or a Liquid Jade (a risky unknown quantity with no positive reviews) is all the MS Store can offer. I love my Windows phone and will carry on using it and living in hope that something is on the way from MS to safeguard it's future.
With all these negative feed back from people. I like to see what would be the look on there face if Windows phones took a whole 360 this year or the next like how the surface is. I never saw the point of being severally negative about a product. I use to when I saw how apple was at first many years ago. Look at them now. Point is. I'm curious to see what will hit big for WM10 or W10ARM I can see a turn around if done right.

We'd be ecstatic that's what, but you as well as I know the chances of that happing are slim to none. The constant wishful thinking is just that, wishful. And you said it "if done right", there again that'll be questionable. IMO, if MS keeps diddling around wavering on substance time will do it no favours, as is already evident.
Enjoy your phone while it lasts. Have u been in an MS store lately? How many phones are in there? Again, enjoy your phone

Regrettably, Microsoft advertise and encourages people to switch for Android and iOS, and leave Windows phones forever. They removed all their windows phone from their stores except HP Elite X3!!!


With all these negative feed back from people. I like to see what would be the look on there face if Windows phones took a whole 360 this year or the next like how the surface is. I never saw the point of being severally negative about a product. I use to when I saw how apple was at first many years ago. Look at them now. Point is. I'm curious to see what will hit big for WM10 or W10ARM I can see a turn around if done right.

I actually agree with MS in terms of having a much broader strategy. If one takes the whole strategy in perspective then even a small phone market begins to make sense. Of course, if the measure of success is selling as many phones as Apple and Google then one comes to a different conclusion.

All I know is that I got a truly great piece of technology (950) for not much money, and it does what I want and it does it very very well (with one exception). Updates are still coming out for it. So to me the term "dead" simply can't apply, unless one wants to redefine it which is certainly acceptable to many in the age of hyperbole.

I agree that more phones would "look" better, but as long as there are alternatives it fits the context in which W10M exists. A future surface phone line that includes W10M would be nice of course, especially if it does something different and ties into W10ARM "mobile" devices one way or another. The SD 835 chip looks fantastic.
Enjoy your phone while it lasts. Have u been in an MS store lately? How many phones are in there? Again, enjoy your phone
If I didn't have my Idol 4S, I'd walk right into my closest MS store (there are 2 in Miami) and walk out with either an Acer Primo or HP x3. I realize you're on Verizon, sorry about your luck.

Sent from Alcatel Idol 4S with Windows via mTalk
My Verizon 735 hit the ice last weekend. No idol, x3, etc. Options. So was forced to move to my first Android phone, got a Samsung Galaxy s7 Edge running 6.01 Marshmallow.

High end android compares nicely to midrange windows phone, performance wise, but it has VR... Wow. Holy krapp.

I still prefer Windows os, but this is not a bad transition. Too bad for MS that they lost a 30+ us
My Verizon 735 hit the ice last weekend. No idol, x3, etc. Options. So was forced to move to my first Android phone, got a Samsung Galaxy s7 Edge running 6.01 Marshmallow.

High end android compares nicely to midrange windows phone, performance wise, but it has VR... Wow. Holy krapp.

I still prefer Windows os, but this is not a bad transition. Too bad for MS that they lost a 30+ us
Yep, I love Win phone but there are no options left. On Android now, I use Microsoft Arrow Launcher and it makes Android tolerable.
Never understood launchers. I've had Nova, Arrow and others. Resource hogs that make you think you have a Windows phone with apps. But in the end, the core apps are still Android except now they run like garbage because the added layer of theming involved.

Sent from Alcatel Idol 4S with Windows via mTalk
Never understood launchers. I've had Nova, Arrow and others. Resource hogs that make you think you have a Windows phone with apps. But in the end, the core apps are still Android except now they run like garbage because the added layer of theming involved.

Sent from Alcatel Idol 4S with Windows via mTalk

Personally, I have never found them to be a resource hog at all, I look at it as just another avenue to further one's customization/control abilities especially on those devices that may be a bit more restrictive or lacking.

Been running Nova Launcher on my S7 pretty much from day one (9+ mo.)with the results being stellar. On the other hand, our G4 (14 mo.) was stock up until 3-weeks ago at which time we also installed Nova, can't honestly say there's been any noticeable "negative" impacts with battery, apps, and overall performance/usability of phone, works same as before yet is now tweaked for my wants and needs. I have used Google Now Launcher as well but Nova is my go-to launcher because of what it offers.

As I have said before, we never try and make a platform LOOK/FEEL like another because, it is not nor will it ever be.
I like launchers because it's a great way to make your phone look like however you want it to look. I own both Nova and Action full versions and get different things from each. For me, I like having all of my icons look like they go together, usually white icons.

Even on my Windows Phone, I have transparent icons for the apps that don't have them normally. The ones without that option, I hide them in a folder. Works out nicely for me and it gives the same appearance.
For me, I like having all of my icons look like they go together, usually white icons.

Hey that's me too except I prefer a more stealthy look by going B&W for icons and wallpaper. Just did a slight revamp in that we added a few orange or red accents here and there to our themes which accentuates those cases presently in use.

Even on my Windows Phone, I have transparent icons for the apps that don't have them normally. The ones without that option, I hide them in a folder. Works out nicely for me and it gives the same appearance.

Transparent icons are my favs as well and wish they were all easily adaptive. Live tiles are not a necessity for me in most cases so if we had to give that feature up to acquire transparency, I'd do it in a heartbeat. :smile: The MSN Weather app is about the only live tile we need but as of late its display of current temps are totally out to lunch so kind of useless as is anyway.
Hey that's me too except I prefer a more stealthy look by going B&W for icons and wallpaper. Just did a slight revamp in that we added a few orange or red accents here and there to our themes which accentuates those cases presently in use.
Nice, I like how that sounds! Sounds like we think similarly here.

Transparent icons are my favs as well and wish they were all easily adaptive. Live tiles are not a necessity for me in most cases so if we had to give that feature up to acquire transparency, I'd do it in a heartbeat. :smile: The MSN Weather app is about the only live tile we need but as of late its display of current temps are totally out to lunch so kind of useless as is anyway.
Same here. It seems like most of the third party live tiles are broken anyway (looking at you Instagram...). I paid for Start Perfect for that, but it is lacking some icons :( The fact that it has Spotify and Twitter though is nice, but I think the free version (transparent tile+) has that too.
Right?! I want it to be a small icon but it seems like it only works as a medium tile. Lame.
I paid for Start Perfect for that, but it is lacking some icons :(

Tough covering all bases say w/Android, there will always be "those" icons left sticking out like a sore thumb LOL. Actually haven't tried Start Perfect or any tool of that nature on WP/WM so just may do that, and thanks for the tip. :smile:

Considering WP brought the transparent tile to the forefront (I think) we're a tad surprised it hasn't become more widespread than it is. Suppose though with many apps still being stuck in the past it does stand to reason.

Speaking of paid. If the app is good and there's an option for "no ads", "extra features", etc I never hesitate to fork over the minimal $ usually requested. Least we can do is to show our support for those Dev's putting in the efforts.
Never understood launchers. I've had Nova, Arrow and others. Resource hogs that make you think you have a Windows phone with apps. But in the end, the core apps are still Android except now they run like garbage because the added layer of theming involved.

Sent from Alcatel Idol 4S with Windows via mTalk

I like Arrow main,y because it makes finding apps much easier then a stock launcher. I also like my app drawers to go north south rather than east west.

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