WP10 - does it make sense to buy phone with it? How the future of this OS will look like?

Man, unbelievable, it is a cold hard fact that Win Mobile and CE are end of support in 2020. Companies are preparing right now to re-write all their applications for Android iOS or Windows 10. Look it up its all true. Also, there is a certain Windows 10 that will be end of life in 2018.

If you look closely you'll see that there are two "Windows 10 Mobile" that have support end at that date. That should tell you something. I'll spell it out for you since you probably won't get the hint: One version of it was released in 2015, another in 2016. They both have end dates. So we can deduce from that information that just because the first version was out in 2015 we didn't know before November this year that there would be no new version, in fact we now know there was one. Similarly it's fairly clear to see that they roll out major versions of their Mobile OS and those have a life cycle. But during that cycle (as we've seen) others pop up.
Here's the bottom line. WP/W10M It's the most personal phone experience on the market.

1. It's personal because not many people have it so you stand out.
2. It's personal because that's how's the OS It's designed from live tiles, to glance screen, lock screen, the phone is just designed that way.

W10M is a whole system. If you can deal with the lack of a few apps (but all of what you'll probably need will be here) you'll be good.

Sent from mTalk
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Play Nice, Be Helpful, and have Respect!
This means keep the language clean, keep your posts polite, and don’t get into arguments over dumb things. If somebody responds to a thread you posted in poor fashion, ignore it, and the moderation team will quickly clean it up (you can always message or email a moderator at any time if you observe anything that is in poor taste/against the rules). Think back to what your parentals and teachers used to lecture - if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all.
Always remember that we are all unique and at different levels here - some of us are experienced Windows users and forum junkies, while others are just starting out. If you’re on the experienced side, have patience for those just joining in on the fun and be helpful. With a little patience and a little help they won’t be newbies for long. Also remember that it is our differences that keeps this place interesting. If everyone was from the same place and at the same experience level it would be boring. This is a worldwide community united by a common interest - our love, or addiction as some would call it, for the Windows!
Please read my whole reply.

I did read your whole reply. Your logic was that a product was dead now because it would not receive support in the future. That applies to pretty much all products. Therefore they're all dead. If that doesn't sound logical it's because your argument wasn't.

And again, my objection isn't to you not liking WM or not having faith in it, it's in the misinformation you spread....
I did read your whole reply. Your logic was that a product was dead now because it would not receive support in the future. That applies to pretty much all products. Therefore they're all dead. If that doesn't sound logical it's because your argument wasn't.

And again, my objection isn't to you not liking WM or not having faith in it, it's in the misinformation you spread....

Give it up dude. The mods are watching and I know first-hand how easy it is to type something stupid in the heat of the moment.
I did read your whole reply. Your logic was that a product was dead now because it would not receive support in the future. That applies to pretty much all products. Therefore they're all dead. If that doesn't sound logical it's because your argument wasn't.

And again, my objection isn't to you not liking WM or not having faith in it, it's in the misinformation
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People who are defending Windows Phone here (including myself) are doing that because the only thing that keeps us going with this platform is that little doze of hope. Besides that (and this comes from a person who is using WM since 2011), I suggest you to either go with Android or iOS unless you want to go to 99.9999% of the webpages and services and realize that under download section, your OS will NEVER EVER exist. Windows Phone in the most harsh way despite how ugly it might sound to us fans is absolutely in every way IRRELEVANT platform, its loosing its already poor market share and even the most biggest companies like Google, Facebook etc. didn't even bother to build their apps for it after like 7 years of the existence.

This platform is not getting any better and the updates we are getting, endless hotfixes which fix X and break Y things are not changing anything. Until MS invests a lot of money in this platform, unless they start caring for it and give it some love, it will continue sinking until it hits the very bottom and its getting there very fast.

There, super honest opinion of a huge WM fan.
Its people like us exist also to hose down android and ios fan boys still trying to bring down wm when its already at the very bottom. These bullies are everywhere. Reminding us that its dead. Nothing is officially dead until Microsoft says so. I highly doubt Microsoft will give up mobile. Windows mobile is here to stay no matter what percentage they are in mrkt share.
I would recommend a Lumia to anyone on a tight budget who doesn't need a smartphone as their only computer.
Incredible value at today's prices.
People who are defending Windows Phone here (including myself) are doing that because the only thing that keeps us going with this platform is that little doze of hope. Besides that (and this comes from a person who is using WM since 2011), I suggest you to either go with Android or iOS unless you want to go to 99.9999% of the webpages and services and realize that under download section, your OS will NEVER EVER exist. Windows Phone in the most harsh way despite how ugly it might sound to us fans is absolutely in every way IRRELEVANT platform, its loosing its already poor market share and even the most biggest companies like Google, Facebook etc. didn't even bother to build their apps for it after like 7 years of the existence.

This platform is not getting any better and the updates we are getting, endless hotfixes which fix X and break Y things are not changing anything. Until MS invests a lot of money in this platform, unless they start caring for it and give it some love, it will continue sinking until it hits the very bottom and its getting there very fast.

There, super honest opinion of a huge WM fan.

Careful now, some may see this honest opinion as miss information:)
Yep.... This platform is as good as dead. I've been with windows phone 7 since the very very beginning as a MSFT employee. Worked there for 5 years and have been elsewhere for 4 years. I absolutely LOVE the UI, Lock screen, glance screen, etc, but MSFT is investing all of their resources in trying to NOT become extinct. They are a dinosaur company as it is. They still own business apps and is why they are still afloat. They are trying really hard to hang onto the OS, but as consumers' focus shifts from desktop to mobile, MSFT has been too laser-focused on Windows10 (for desktops and tablets) and have all but completely lost the battle for relevance in mobile (talking phones here). They should have spent more money retaining or maintaining key (Anchor) apps that would attract and retain customers. So they are looking at the desktop and losing any chance they had at the real mobile market - the Phone. Too bad because the OS in your pocket is the only one that matters. PC/desktop form factors are dying (outside of business). Wait until Android gains feature parity with continuum - a Windows OS becomes obsolete. We will all be working from our Android or apple phones with NO NEED for a desktop - just run the MSFT business apps in droid or IOS version of continuum out of O365 or on a local native app. Boom.... MSFT OS - Windows 10 is irrelevant. Maybe not that quickly, but it will happen over a few years. My guess is 5 years from now.

I've been trying to get by with my 950XL, but anchor apps seem to drop monthly (Banking apps, weather apps, ebay app, Amazon app, Facebook is far from feature parity compared to others.) I really don't know who's driving mobile strategy at MSFT. The only mobile strategy seems to be to make sure the MSFT business apps work on iPhone and Android. At this point, MSFT's only hope is that the general public falls in love with the W10 Start menu and wants that feel on a mobile device, but without relevant apps, it'll never happen. I think WM7/8/10 was the last chance that MSFT had to win over the public onto a Windows mobile device. They should have kept what small momentum they had going, but they blew it. They were overly concerned when Google made a play for office apps so MSFT rushed to make their apps cloud-enabled (via browser) and dropped mobile to do it. Oops!

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I blame a big part on developers that can't get there head out of there arse. If developers would make there first part apps Win10/M would be even more awesome. Though they don't care about the 1million users on WM. I'm surprise honestly there no lawsuits against any of these big companies for some sort of building apps to make one or the other counterpart mobile OS better. Then again there a lot of mindless souls that think there Mobile OS is better I.e android/iOS when really they all have there flaws including WM. I don't like just two choices to much of a double sword. I feel three or more Mobile OS is more freedom choice.
$200 sounds more like 5C, not SE.

Sent from Alcatel Idol 4S with Windows via mTalk

That's correct. The only way it can possibly be that cheap IMO is through a carrier deal or a carrier variant at the most. Even on Swappa, the cheapest unlocked one is $275.
Yep.... This platform is as good as dead. I've been with windows phone 7 since the very very beginning as a MSFT employee. Worked there for 5 years and have been elsewhere for 4 years. I absolutely LOVE the UI, Lock screen, glance screen, etc, but MSFT is investing all of their resources in trying to NOT become extinct. They are a dinosaur company as it is. They still own business apps and is why they are still afloat. They are trying really hard to hang onto the OS, but as consumers' focus shifts from desktop to mobile, MSFT has been too laser-focused on Windows10 (for desktops and tablets) and have all but completely lost the battle for relevance in mobile (talking phones here). They should have spent more money retaining or maintaining key (Anchor) apps that would attract and retain customers. So they are looking at the desktop and losing any chance they had at the real mobile market - the Phone. Too bad because the OS in your pocket is the only one that matters. PC/desktop form factors are dying (outside of business). Wait until Android gains feature parity with continuum - a Windows OS becomes obsolete. We will all be working from our Android or apple phones with NO NEED for a desktop - just run the MSFT business apps in droid or IOS version of continuum out of O365 or on a local native app. Boom.... MSFT OS - Windows 10 is irrelevant. Maybe not that quickly, but it will happen over a few years. My guess is 5 years from now.

I've been trying to get by with my 950XL, but anchor apps seem to drop monthly (Banking apps, weather apps, ebay app, Amazon app, Facebook is far from feature parity compared to others.) I really don't know who's driving mobile strategy at MSFT. The only mobile strategy seems to be to make sure the MSFT business apps work on iPhone and Android. At this point, MSFT's only hope is that the general public falls in love with the W10 Start menu and wants that feel on a mobile device, but without relevant apps, it'll never happen. I think WM7/8/10 was the last chance that MSFT had to win over the public onto a Windows mobile device. They should have kept what small momentum they had going, but they blew it. They were overly concerned when Google made a play for office apps so MSFT rushed to make their apps cloud-enabled (via browser) and dropped mobile to do it. Oops!


I couldn't agree more. This is what I've been saying. Some people just can't accept it though.
I couldn't agree more. This is what I've been saying. Some people just can't accept it though.
It's not dead, it's just in a coma. I still love it.

(machine in the corner of the hospital room goes beep.. beep.. beep................. beeeeeeeeeeeee...................... )
Here's the bottom line. WP/W10M It's the most personal phone experience on the market.

1. It's personal because not many people have it so you stand out.
2. It's personal because that's how's the OS It's designed from live tiles, to glance screen, lock screen, the phone is just designed that way.

W10M is a whole system. If you can deal with the lack of a few apps (but all of what you'll probably need will be here) you'll be good.

Sent from mTalk

This pretty much sums up exactly why I have stuck with W10M. Thank you.

Yep.... This platform is as good as dead. I've been with windows phone 7 since the very very beginning as a MSFT employee. Worked there for 5 years and have been elsewhere for 4 years. I absolutely LOVE the UI, Lock screen, glance screen, etc, but MSFT is investing all of their resources in trying to NOT become extinct. They are a dinosaur company as it is. They still own business apps and is why they are still afloat. They are trying really hard to hang onto the OS, but as consumers' focus shifts from desktop to mobile, MSFT has been too laser-focused on Windows10 (for desktops and tablets) and have all but completely lost the battle for relevance in mobile (talking phones here). They should have spent more money retaining or maintaining key (Anchor) apps that would attract and retain customers. So they are looking at the desktop and losing any chance they had at the real mobile market - the Phone. Too bad because the OS in your pocket is the only one that matters. PC/desktop form factors are dying (outside of business). Wait until Android gains feature parity with continuum - a Windows OS becomes obsolete. We will all be working from our Android or apple phones with NO NEED for a desktop - just run the MSFT business apps in droid or IOS version of continuum out of O365 or on a local native app. Boom.... MSFT OS - Windows 10 is irrelevant. Maybe not that quickly, but it will happen over a few years. My guess is 5 years from now.

I've been trying to get by with my 950XL, but anchor apps seem to drop monthly (Banking apps, weather apps, ebay app, Amazon app, Facebook is far from feature parity compared to others.) I really don't know who's driving mobile strategy at MSFT. The only mobile strategy seems to be to make sure the MSFT business apps work on iPhone and Android. At this point, MSFT's only hope is that the general public falls in love with the W10 Start menu and wants that feel on a mobile device, but without relevant apps, it'll never happen. I think WM7/8/10 was the last chance that MSFT had to win over the public onto a Windows mobile device. They should have kept what small momentum they had going, but they blew it. They were overly concerned when Google made a play for office apps so MSFT rushed to make their apps cloud-enabled (via browser) and dropped mobile to do it. Oops!


I am also realistic. I know the OS is dead/dying. I still enjoy using it though and I will try to support it until it finally finishes. After all, right now, it meets all my needs. I am not prepared to spend money on an iPhone or Android just to play the latest game or use the newest IM application that will become a fad in a months time.

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