Wp7 mango vs ios5 non bias?


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May 24, 2011
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I've had ios4 and tried ios5 beta, I have HTC trophy, can't wait for mango and new devices, I'm curious to hear peoples arguments of mango has as good of or better or worse features than ios5 and give details and try to be as unbiased as possible. I'll give my 2 cents in a bit

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Both seem to bring a lot to the table with their emphasis on catching up. What will Ice Cream Sandwich bring? (hate that name )


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May 24, 2011
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Yea good call, I seem to think wp7 is alot more In competition with IOS than Android, but ICs might bring alot to the table but it seems like froyo, gingerbread, didn't really change a whole lot, so I feel like ice cream will be a merger if honeycomb and gingerbread but not change alot about the system, might be wrong

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undead swagger

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Both ios5 and mango will both do great things for their fans. As for what I think, I feel very unimpressed with ios5. I think its just things Apple really should of had in the os for a long time. Mango impresses me a lot, just for the fact that it makes windows better then IOS 5 and android. Now I really don't know much about ICs but I hope that it makes Android a better os because it is so broken and I feel Google needs to step it up.


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All I can remember was a little UI tweaking and color changing, and a system wide copy and paste, but it is accessed different ways by certain applications lol, kinda weird. That's the only changes I really remember

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It also brought a new keyboard right? People always bring the Gingerbread keyboard on smartphones comparisons. Was the Froyo upgrade as big as the mango one?

Sorry for the non WP7 questions but I'm curious.


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When group came out it mostly dealt with performance improvements and speed, might hae brought flash, can't remember, but none of their updates have been as big as mango.

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Dec 6, 2010
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Man, to tell you the truth, is you have any of these devices you'll be happy. I switched from a iPhone 4 because I wanted something new. WP7 has been outstanding and will only get better.

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Jan 14, 2010
It's kind of funny that opponents of WP7 keep saying things like "it's too late; it'll always be playing catch up" and then here comes iOS5 that does NOT seem to be putting it lightyears ahead of WP7 and even adds features that WP7 had or was planning (wireless sync, cloud storage, "camera button," better notifications, integrated social networking...).

Man, to tell you the truth, is you have any of these devices you'll be happy. I switched from a iPhone 4 because I wanted something new. WP7 has been outstanding and will only get better.
I'd say "appeased" is probably the better word, instead of happy, in general. If I was somehow banned from WP7, I'd use iOS or Android, but I'd feel like I'd be just trudging along with them because I like the Metro UI so much more and, knowing that I couldn't get it (without hacks, but even then that's not the full experience), wouldn't make me happy.

... Ice Cream Sandwich... (hate that name )
I don't follow Android news, so, every time I heard the name in passing, I thought people were just teasing Google because of the names. >_>


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Android updates have been nothing else than some minor tweaks and bugfixes which makes me wonder some smartphone owners go into total rage when they hear they are not going to Gingerbread or Froyo or whatever.

iOS5 proved to be a small disappointment. WP7 Mango and Symbian Anna/Belle are proving to be real upgrades.


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Both are nice. Heck, I like all of them... WP, iOS, Android, BB OS, Web OS. I'm wondering what direction microsoft will be going with their tablets... windows 7 or windows phone.

I do like and prefer my Focus and WP more than my iPhone (which is actually on iOS 5).

Both have some of the same strengths, weaknesses and both have different strengths and weaknesses. I do believe since the smartphone making is continuing to grow, there is still room for competition. At one point, all OS will pretty much be in Google/Android's position where they're adding incremental improvements.


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Mmm seems to be more like our NODO update. Why so few Android phones have this update? I don't understand why new Android phones are being shipped with Froyo.


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Jan 1, 2011
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Mmm seems to be more like our NODO update. Why so few Android phones have this update? I don't understand why new Android phones are being shipped with Froyo.
My guess would be that the devices are being tested with their skins (MotoBlur, Sense or TouchWiz) and by the time they would fully test Gingerbread, it may cause long delays.


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Feb 12, 2011
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Microsofts superior UI design and integration of services makes wp7 the most pleasing platform to me. Even if all platforms had the exact same features, I'd pick wp7 for those reasons alone. Take into account the MS business & cloud services, tie-ins with office, xbox, windows 8 and its a no brainer.

The other thing I love about the platform in general is you have a highly polished, very professional product (like the iPhone), but you have choice in hardware. Because MS controls the minimum spec requirements, and has specific chipsets you must use, the experience on the phone will be the same as any other wp7 handset. But you can have the form factor you want. You aren't stuck with one design, or one model that just gets upgraded each year. Its like Toyota only making the Camry, and having a yearly model. What if you want a different style of body?

Different people have different needs, and having the ability to choose a form factor you want, while the OS & experience on each device having the same uniformity in UI design & performance is a huge to me. With the iPhone you have one model, one to choose from. And while its a nice peice of hardware, some people may want a keyboard, or a bigger screen, or a different type of screen, or a more basic phone for their kid ect.

wp7 was a big surprise to me, and I think MS took a big risk with a totally new UI design. And it works exceptionally well. It did take me a bit to get over my initial reaction to an interface so different from what I was used to seeing on everything else, but I cannot go back to the iPhone, or Android, or any other platform. I didn't even consider wp7 until 3 months after its release, and it took maybe 10 minutes of using it to be completely sold on its design and its future. Its that good.

Mango's already released features not only measure up to what iOS 5 is, it surpasses it in its quality of design, and the way it integrates everything into the OS and allows for a more fluid interaction without the up/down open/close app launcher system the iPhone has. I really can't say enough good things about the way the wp7 team designed this OS. The future is very bright for MS not only in mobile, but across all their platforms.
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I played with a WP7 phone, the surround if I remember correctly, for probably all of 2 minutes before deciding that I would be getting the Trophy.

My brother played with my phone for a few seconds, before getting distracted by my sisters new iPhone. Of course he's been saying he's gonna get the iPhone 5 when it comes out for a little over a month now. He's just a tool like that, he even decided what car he was going to buy by what his friends said. His friends said they only saw girls driving Camaros (still haven't seen a single Camaro driven by a girl) so he got a Challenger instead. Not that it's a bad car, but seriously how can I be related to such a tool?


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Dec 22, 2010
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, but seriously how can I be related to such a tool?

Such is the nature of brothers. My bro thinks Android is just great. I'm convinced he would say WP7 is great if I got an Android phone. Maybe I will just to use a little ol reverse psychology

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