WP8 Newbie Tips

Great tip but not best example. It is even easier to access punctuation by pressing and holding the period (".") key. That displays the following: "- ! : ?" and you can simply tap the one you want.
I don't know and I am not sure, but try adding credit card in ms account webpage. Maybe you can add it that way.

I made a thread regarding this recently (it's locked) and basically everyone said you can purchase apps from any market place using any credit card.

Well I have a L920 in my hand. I live in Pakistan (no marketplace worth using here) so I switched to Australia region. It now shows the Aussie marketplace. When I try to buy an app, and add payment method, choose credit card, the country 'Australia' is 'hard coded' and I can't change it. Obviously my credit card has a Pakistan address so I cant very well have Australia listed as country. Similarly if I choose USA it will hard code USA as the country.

How do you people do it then? Especially the ones who said they can do it easily :/
Instead of just pressing the "&123" key to switch the keyboard to numbers and symbols, try pressing the "&123" key and without releasing it, dragging your finger on the screen up to the number/symbol you want, then releasing. Once you release, it will insert the number/symbol you selected and automatically switch right back to the letters on the keyboard.

Brilliant! Thanks for that!
For Dave_97865

Weather Flow has a very nice lockscreen integration component. You can set it up to have a picture depicting current conditions in your area, Bing Image of the Day, or image of your choosing along with options to display current weather + 12 hour forecast, current weather + 5 day forecast or just current weather.
If you're in the United Kingdom and you change the language and region settings to United States, you can get the addition Bing Explore features (swiping left and right on the Bing search page) and Local Deals will show up in all their glory when searched for in the Wallet app.

Just discovered this while making a post here WP8 features missing in UK | The Verge Forums I think it's a pretty awesome find if I do say so myself :D!
Customize Lock Screen
While it?s been easy to customize your lock screen with static images, WP8 lets you customize the lock screen with app data and/or live tile information. Just go to Settings | Lock Screen | ?Open this app to let it make changes? | click the APP button, go to your app (say the HTC app that includes newsfeeds, weather, stocks), pick the screen you?d like to have as your new lock screen and you?re done. This works for all apps enabled for this feature like music (have your artist display on your lock screen while music plays), Bing (Bing?s desktop of the day), Facebook, etc. Mine is set to HTC?s local weather conditions.

how did u get that battery %age to display ?
Also, some numbers and letters can be tapped/held and other letters will pop up - in the same manner as the above-mentioned period for other punctuation. Letters may show different accents for various languages, some numbers show fractions, and on the number/symbol page, some of the punctuation marks show other similar marks.
I loved how easily the "Transfer my data" app copied all my contacts from my old Android phone using witchcraft (Bluetooth).

That feature has been in Nokia Symbian (yes Symbian!") phones for about five years.
i just notice that in the music player, you tap the repeat button twice, it will repeat the song instead of shuffle to other song. :)
Here is another one, if you change the volume mid-game, you can get rid of the volume/music player notification by pressing the back key.

To the OP : Mate, I guess it would be very useful if you can collate all these tips and update it in the first post. I know it is a lot of work but let me know if you can do it. Happy to assist :grin:
Something I haven't figured out. When you play music in xbox music, and you send it to the background and start changing the volume. The banner at the top comes down with the volume, ringer settings, and the music with next pause back functions. I go into the music player, hit the pause button (as there is no stop) and then double tap the back button to close the music app. But when I hit the volume rocker again the music controls are still there with the song I stopped it at.

Anyone know how to get that to go away?

No need to reboot the phone neighter to open "some" app... Just click the back arrow when the music control pop up. ;)

Sorry I am wrong... That workaround does not work :(
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Other xbox music tip: while playing music in background, let pop the music control up ( for example by clicking the volume button) and click on the song title to directly jump to the now playing song list ! It Works even with the phone from stand by !
Not a tip but something I found to be nice. The video player remembers the last position of the video watched and resumes it from there when you play the video again. I alternated between 2 videos and it still remembered. Exiting out of the player doesn't seem to impact either, but didn't try after a reboot and I doubt if it would work. :P

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