Only Cortana has the second effect applied (altough it looks pretty cool without any effects) all the others have no effects, but feel free to experiment.
So this one isn't really all that flashy or mind blowing, but it does hold a lot of sentimental value to me.
My boyfriend and I hold... I suppose enough of an internet persona that we have illustrated personas of ourselves that he'll use for pieces that he'll draw. He draws himself as a sort of demon/devil persona, and me as a sort of robot/android persona. Its mostly just for fun and is relative to our nerdy interests, but I digress.
Honestly, I just always like seeing them and I'm especially fond of using them with my phone and tech stuff in general as a sort of reminder that I have him in my life. (I have another picture I use for the lock screen as well!)
This one I figured would work quite nicely for the glance background. Lots of negative space and its simple enough that it works quite well.
I added in the heart at the top though just so it wasn't completely absent. Plus it accents the general adorable smoochyness of it all.