Xbox Music app not showing all album covers

I'm also havin the same prob.MIXradio and my pc displays the album art with no issues but xbox music did not.Really frustrated with this.If there's a fix then would b very happy to hear it If not i hope the next update could fix this issue...!
doesn't work for me. This seems to be a issue since 2012, how come windows Microsoft hasn't sorted it out, I take files from media player all with thumbnails and put it on my windows phone only to have 70% of the thumbnails missing. This never happened on my iPhone, wow what's the real issue here.

Today I added a couple of songs from Snoop Dogg's album "Tha Doggfather" to my Lumia 820 (Windows Phone 8.1) but the Music app won't show the album cover art of the album. I added the art via iTunes as I have done to all other albums. Every other album art works except this one. I tried to add it a couple of times but it doesn't work. It looks like this:

View attachment 66115

Is there anything I can do or is this just a bug?

Thanks for the help. :smile:

My brother you better shifts to either of these two apps 1. Airstem 2.n7player ... They are fast and good for windows phone

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