Xbox preview invites

Add me as a friend and I'll send you an invite. I've already sent all of my friends (over 200) invites to the program. GT- patternjake
They've temporarily dwindled down the invites so as of right now I believe they are no longer accepting new members.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Jake, just added you. Looking for an invite on the off chance they start letting people in.

Thanks, Ed
Hello Jake,

I added you too. Would love to get into the insider program, I would be so grateful.

Gamertag : Bastoon91

Have a beautiful day
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I've had a couple friends say they could get me in, but it never seemed to work. If anyone could add me, I'd appreciate it!

GT: wevanthomas
I have sended my request to supadryz. Also added him/her as a friend :) . Hope i will get in but if not atleast thx for the effort!
Now that the update has been released has Microsoft resumed adding people? If so I'll try adding one of the people from this thread to get an invite.
Mate, I added you on Xbox One and dropped you a message through my Xbox. It has been approx. 48 hours. I was wondering when should I expect the awaited 'Done' message from you?!
I hope its not an inconvenience to add me to the insider preview. I would be so thankful. I just wish there was a better way to sign up for it on the microsoft site or the xbox site. My gamer tag is "TheDJT100". Thank you
Hi, Anyone still looking for an Preview invite send us a message on Xbox Live & add us as a friend. The reason this is in bold as so many people miss this part, We can not invite without you adding us to your friend list.

As the Preview invite acceptance has dried up by Microsoft I will send invite off but can not guarantee it will be accepted by Microsoft

You will know I have sent this off as I will message you on Xbox Live saying Preview invite sent.
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Just a quick update with the Preview Invites, a few people who I have sent invites off for in the past few weeks have been accepted so people are still being accepted but still not guaranteed.

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