Xbox preview invites

True. I read another post that said the wait may be up to a month or more. I have yet to hear from them. No worries, though. The update will come to all eventually.
Still getting tons from the last 3 weeks that have advised they didn't get in to the program. It seems that MS really is not accepting them at anywhere near the same rate.

I keep having to revise my estimates.... currently, I would say that around 70% of the ones I have attempted in the last 2 weeks have not worked. I am likely to revise this figure upwards too, as more people come back to me.

The only other option is to check out my FAQs for the "other" way into the program. Far less easy, and applicable to only a small number of people here.
hey guys just FYI my Xbone is sick and in the Fix-O-Matic shop, so I wont be adding people till it gets its bill of clean health and sent home.
I can also confirm the rate for success is not what it was as had quite a few people say they have not been accepted as yet. By all means keep sending the messages to be invited.
I can also confirm the rate for success is not what it was as had quite a few people say they have not been accepted as yet. By all means keep sending the messages to be invited.

The acceptance rate has been shocking. Glad it isn't just me!
I just wanna say thanks to peachy001, the invite worked and I got the invitation, still waiting for the update become avaliable. :excited:
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And just like that, MS has stopped taking new ones. In the last 3 weeks MS have scaled things back severely, the hot rate has dropped to around 5%.

Xbox Preview program is at 'near capacity', so new invites will be cut back | Windows Central

So, I am going to have to cease adding.

Thanks to all those that helped out. And thank you to those that asked and were nice and polite. Since I originally put the offer out there (October 2014) I have done over 1000 invites, with the vast majority getting in. Met some decent people.

Incidentally, those wanting to get in may have a slim chance. Look at the FAQs in the first post in the thread, there are details of another possible way in.

Viva la community!
If someone wants an invite, add me on Live: PortoMavericks

Lik peachy said, MS is holding back the acceptance rate, but we can try.

Just one thing: please follow exactly the first post on this page, add me, send a message asking for the invite. :smile:
i just got my xbox yesterday and hoped that u could add me on the backward compatibilty program
i already added 2 gamers on the list ( read about the ''pls only ask 1 of the guys'' a bit too late :$)
i hope that the program still takes gamers for im stuck with only gears ultimatum (loving the game tho, takes me back :P )
i hope to hear from u soon
gamertagg deathsoldier93

greetz from holland
Hi, I'm assuming you are directing the at Porto? Personally, I'm no longer adding people. It has become really tight, less than 1% get in.
Peachy, it's very tight. I invited more than 10 since the day of my last post and just one got in yet (and it was funny, I invited a friend september 1st and today he got the msg from MS).

I don't think there's a pattern for acceptance. Or if there's any, I didn't realize yet how it works.
You'll never know! I couldn't fathom it in the time I did it. I have had 2 message me yesterday to say they were in. But I must have added tons in the last 3 weeks.

It used to be much better. It now is not worth the effort, would take at least s hundred attempts for some!

Bizarrely, I have still had a couple of requests, even though I have stated that I'm not doing it. If they open it again I may start up again. Was massively time consuming though!
I invited someone the other day from forums & he was accepted within 24 hours, it has been tighted up but they are still accepting at least

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