Xbox preview invites

I just hope people are providing some useful feedback to MS. Getting new features us good, but helping to improve things is my favourite bit.
Hey, peachy! Just sent you a friend request and a message through SmartGlass. My gamertag is renatosantino, just like my user name here.

Thanks ;)
Could somebody please incite me to the preview program?
XBL username is Xxn0ob own3rxX

Edit: Sent you a message on xbox :)
Got you guys. Will do them after work.

Thanks for following the instructions in the first thread post.
My pleasure. Happy gaming.

And thanks for following the instructions in the first post on this thread.
Good to hear people have been getting invites for previews accepted by Microsoft. But please make sure you read the 1st page on instructions.
Was so happy to see this thread after purchasing an Xbox One. Have friended and sent you a message, peachy001. Thank you for doing this!
Ok, again people who are asking & messaging us to invite you to Preview Program please make sure you add us as friend with a small message stating why you have added us.

I have had numerous friends add me with no message or just a message with no friend add. People who have done this will be ignored as this is not the process.

Add as friend with message, simple :)

Hope those who have done this correctly have been accepted to Preview Program. Also Gears of War 1 Xbox 360 has now been added to Preview Program.
I can only echo your comments. I even made it bold on the first post a few weeks ago. Oddly though, Live does occasionally not deliver messages. Quite strange.
With my XBOX One and my newly installed Windows 10, I'm all set! All I'm missing is my invite to the XBOX One Preview program!

Please invite me!
gamertag: Nojoke99

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