Xbox preview invites

Gamertag: VikingMT

Request sent to GrimLuck81 (trying to spread it out a bit, no offence peachy).

No offence at all, that is why the others are there. I did a ton last night, then woke up to around 100 requests. That takes a while to do! The only thing I ask is that people only pick 1 of us. Spamming us all is just a waste of everyone's time.

Crucially, the 1st post is where the instructions are. Also, to anyone reading, please feel free to let me know if you get in. That way I can trim the friends list easier. You can of course stay on my list if you prefer.
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Hi people.

I need to make one thing more clear. I am getting many requests, as I am sure the others are. One thing that I insist on is that you consider why others are helping out. The purpose is not so that you have more people to message, the purpose is that the load is shared. Please do not friend and message all of us at the same time, it is just slowing us down and is duplicating work.

We want to help out, but if you message more than one of us, then some of us will be wasting our time. From this point on, if I notice that anyone has added me and one of the others, I will not be doing the invite, I will simply delete the message. Just trying to ensure that none of us waste our time.
I wonder if I could get an invite to Xbox One Windows 10 would be so happy ... Username: Visigotien
I wonder if I could get an invite to Xbox One Windows 10 would be so happy ... Username: Visigotien
Hello peachy001!
i added you as a friend and sent you a message
my gamertag is: CanniestALAN

sorry for my bad english :)
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Hi there! If you would be able to add me for the preview I would send you all my good karma!
ID Xbox
Hi there! If you would be able to add me for the preview I would send you all my good karma!
ID Xbox

No problem, take a gander at the first post in this thread, all the instructions are there. But be aware that not everyone gets in. This week I have had many messages on Live telling me that they didn't get in. The number this week is greater than at anytime since I started the thread. Infact, in the last 10 days I have had more people not get in than all the other months combined.

Not sure if MS are tightening up, but some thing is different. Previously I would estimate that less than 10% didn't make it in the first time, with most getting in on a second or third attempt. I would suggest that the number that didn't get in within the last 10 days to be nearer to 30%. I can assure you that I am not doing anything different at my end.

Given that the new dashboard preview is due to come out in September, I imagine that MS has received tons of new invites. Perhaps they have reached their limit, not sure. There are no doubt loads of threads much like mine, and I can only imagine the total number of requests is huge. I would suspect that there are forums that only deal with Xbox One gamers that must get swamped with people making requests.
Please take time to read the whole first post. It includes FAQs (one of which is another possible route into the program).

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