Xbox preview invites

Still getting requests for the Xbox preview. You are all very welcome.

Please also read my first post in this thread, will answer most of your questions.

Hope you get in.
Done. Please note the first post in this thread. It explains how the Xbox preview works.
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Hi, I would really appreaciate it if you could also invite me to the preview :) GamerTag: FearLezZ1990
Hi peachy001, could i get an invite to the preview, added you on live and sent a message.
My Live id is dipesh0301
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I can do all of the above.... Please read the first post. It explains what I need you to do.

This isn't me being lazy, I have added somewhere around a hundred so far, but meet me halfway. Obviously people have questions, and the first post in the thread would answer 95% of the ones that I get. If you have any other questions, on anything then feel free to message me on Live. Had some real good conversations with some of those that I added.

Also, you are all welcome to join me in a game, just jump in. Be aware, I am only average in shooters, and can't play FIFA. My Trials Fusion times are pretty good though.

Happy gaming people.

I know you have tried a few times to get me an invite. If you could try again it would be appreciated.

I'm already on your friends list, but ill send you a message when i get home :)

GT: BlindandCynical


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