Xbox preview invites

I added you as a friend and I send you a message (Bonzai6). Let me know if you need anything else from me. Thanks for taking the time
Not a problem. Done yours, and some more too. Remember to check out the first post, it will tell you how it works.

Good luck.
Hey, peachy. I would very much like to get in on the Preview Program. Since becoming quite loyal to Microsoft products and services, I try to test as much of anything new that I can. I've using Windows 10 on a spare laptop for a while now. Just waiting to be able to install it to my Surface RT and Lumia 520. For the first of many new year's resolutions, I want to test upcoming Xbox One software updates. I've sent you a message on LIVE and I have added you as a friend. I hope to get into the program but more importantly I hope to game with you soon!
I'm starting to feel like I'm the only one not on the preview program. I would like an invite if it's still possible. My gamertag is TXRhody.
Judging by the amount I have done, I'd say you are correct! No worries, I encourage you to have a look at the first post. I just need an Xbox Live message.
Nice one. Did yours a few hours ago.

Just a reminder to others: I need a message, otherwise I will not notice you in the activity feed. And, at the risk of labouring the point, please tea my first post in the thread. May answer some of your questions.

Good luck.
I just got my preview invite from xbox live. Thanks again for submitting my name to the program.
Hey Peachy001, its cjshonky, I received the message from Xbox live and instead the Xbox preview dashboard but it says my registration status is enrollpending. Is this normal?
Hey Peachy001, its cjshonky, I received the message from Xbox live and instead the Xbox preview dashboard but it says my registration status is enrollpending. Is this normal?

Hi fella, yeah should be fine. It is a while ago since I got mine, so I'm working from memory here, but I seem to remember it is a two stage process. They send a message and then it takes a few days for your console to pull any available updates.

You should be ok in a few days. I will update the first post to reflect that further step.

Anything else you need, give me a shout.
I sent a message but i dont know if it was sent, since i deleted it by accident, so I'll drop my gamertag here: TDDLeaderNick
Hello Peachy001, I sent you a Live msg and added you as a friend. Hope preview invites are still available thanks
Done. Just so you are aware, the process is detailed in the first post in the thread. It really is a bit of a lottery in terms of the time it takes for MS to add you. Some message me within 24 hours and say they are in. Others wait 5 days, some do not get in at all. I have added some people 3 times.
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Just to echo my last comment, following a number of recent Live messages, I am happy to retry. But, there seems to be a small percentage that never get in. Rather odd. I assume that this may be due to location, reputation, conduct violations, or it may just be an odd policy thing in the background.

To those still waiting, drop me a line, I'll have another go.
To some this may look like I am the only one visiting this thread. However, most are reading the thread, and messaging me, which is all good. Please remember to identify yourself though, so I know you are not some random. You don't have to a Windows Phone user, just an Xbox One user.

One more tip, it may help if you register your Xbox first. Oddly, most of the ones I have done are in, but a small percentage seem unable. My record so far is 5 retries!

Lastly, the first post, may answer an FAQ you have. If it doesn't, then drop me a message on Live, or here.

I have to say, everyone has been really polite, which goes a long way.

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