Xbox preview invites

Yeah, got you and the others. I'll reply on Live when I have done the invite.

Thanks for reading the first post.
Have sent an Xbox message and added you as a friend. Hopefully I can get on the preview as well. If not its no problem, at least options were tried ��
Cheers in advance.
hi, i saw your post and i've sent you a message on live :)

my gamertag is: mpum

thank you very much :)
Got a ton of invites to do tonight, going to be busy.

No need to leave your gamer tag on here, as long as I have a Live message from you, then I will add you.

As ever, have a read of the first post in this thread, may answer some questions for you.

You will get a message from me once I have done my bit.

Good luck people.
Hey there,
I sent you a request through message and added you as a friend. I would really appreciate an invite, my GC is: Mantikos

Thank you in advance.
peachy001 please add me, gamer tag is papadux

I tried to add you through live but I was having an issue some reason.

Thank you in advance,

I have been a XBL user for 12+ years. One of the very first beta testers. Would love an invite. my gt is conman . [dont worry, the suffix of my last name is con.]
I guess I didn't make the cut. Gamerscore probably a little too low (we've used the Xbox consoles mostly for Netflix and such). Oh, well. :amaze:
To the two above, hit me a message on Live and I will have a go... Also, have a look at the first post in the thread.
Had a few more today that haven't sent the message, but just added me as a friend. I barely notice activity notices due to the amount of these I am doing, so please always remember the message.

If unsure, read the first post in the thread.

Lastly, I do these as regularly as I can, so just be aware that it may take me a few days before I get some Xbox time. I will add all that ask. Oh, and a gentle reminder, not everyone will get in first time, some may not get in at all. I'll do my bit, but then it is up to MS.

If you do get in, I encourage you to provide feedback to MS regarding the system and features. It will help us all enjoy better gaming.
Have a look at the first post in the thread, tells you exactly what I need from you.

I'd also advise against leaving many details on the forum.
Ok, since I put the offer out there, I have added a ton of people to my friends list. The time has come for me to clear some off as my list is becoming quite large and unwieldy.

It has become quite difficult for me to remember who I have spoken to, so if I take you off, but you wanna stay on, drop me a line. Had some good conversations with people from here, but I keep forgetting who is who, hence me removing some. I will be keeping on some that appear on my leaderboards, as I like to compare stats for Trials Fusion, Defence Grid etc.

Those that want an invite, feel free to read the first post.
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