Xbox preview invites

hey guys can someone send a preview invite for the xbox one my gamertag is stokes1510 cheers guys in advanced
Finally got in the program! That only took 50 days. I'd completely given up on it and moved on when I got the invite last night. It's downloading the latest preview now.
Real pleased for you! As I have said many times in this thread, it is very difficult to understand how some get in so quickly, and others take multiple attempts. I think the average at the moment is 24 to 48 hours. Funnily enough, 2 or 3 have messaged me on Live this week to say that they just got in, a month after I added them.

Glad you are in!

To anyone else happening across the thread for the first time, read the first post if you are wanting me to invite you.

Happy gaming people.
No worries, will send it shortly.

I hope you get in. If not, give me a shout on Live and I will try again.
How many invites did you try before you got in? Was it just one invite then waiting for 50 days?
I asked two people, and got in the preview after around 4 days. I added you recently, I'm happy to try again. Some take a day or so, some take a few weeks. It is a bit of a lottery.
By way of an update, the guy that I attempted to invite many times (around 25 +) got in yesterday!

Most take only 1 or 2 attempts. If I added you before and you didn't get in, drop me a message on Live.

Good luck people.
By way of an update, the guy that I attempted to invite many times (around 25 +) got in yesterday!

Most take only 1 or 2 attempts. If I added you before and you didn't get in, drop me a message on Live.

Good luck people.

Yep, I got my invite last night around 9pm PST. Thanks again Peachy001 !!!!
Yours was easy by comparison, only took two attempts for you!

That other fella (not sure what his WC name is) took forever. I even stopped sending the "done" message to him. It didn't seem fair. I kept dropping him an invite as I added others, so I lost count of the number of attempts.

Happy gaming 2clips! Oh, and thanks for following the instructions in the first post.
By way of an update, the guy that I attempted to invite many times (around 25 +) got in yesterday!

Most take only 1 or 2 attempts. If I added you before and you didn't get in, drop me a message on Live.

Good luck people.

Yep after many days...
Was it you? I know the gamer tag very well, but the guy has a different name on here I think.
I can do all, but please follow the instructions in the first post.

Also, remember to say you are from WC.
Hi peachy,
Send you a message. Gamertag: CptnMorgoth

No worries if you're too busy (or just sick and tired of it).

Thanks in advance :)

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