Hi. Please send me an invitation as well.
My Gamertag is - DanRoux
(from Johannesburg)
sweet, such a benevolent thing to be doing, i was wondering how to possibly go about getting XB1 invite, then i saw your instructive post here, i added you as friend and sent message, (you are my first friend, lol) my gamertag is EyedCardShark87 btw- thanks a lot if possible!
I have it and it sucks big time, causes my xbox to drop out of live on a constant basis. I cant open or close an app or game without a crash. Not worth it. Thumbs down!!
Mine is pretty stable, can't remember it dropping out at all. You sure your router is in order?
You could be correct, I may blocked messages from un associated people. I have added you, and done the invite. One guy today, heard back after a few hours! Bit of a lottery. Oh, thanks for reading the first post.
Probably going to get a lot of people requesting this because of the latest announcements, this includes me!
Hey I just send you a message to be invited to the preview program. Thanks.
Anyone invite me plis! tag: JoopipMan
Like many others, I'm looking to get into the preview program. If anyone has an spare invite available, hit meme up at gamertag Kwincy J.
many thanks!