Xbox preview invites

I was wondering if you could invite me to the Xbox One preview. I followed the instructions in the first post...and yes I do have a Windows Phone, a Lumia 928 to be exact!!!

GamerTag: KingBobYJr

Thanks much!!!
Hi peachy001,

I did follow the instructions on the first post. I have you as my friend now and I sent you a message too. Thanks, I really want to be on the preview.

gamertag: sebaoyanedel​​
windows phone: Nokia Lumia 635​
Thanks for everything you did and let more people can enjoy preview program features!
My gamertag is AdrisWu, already add and send you a message on XBL.
Really appreciate your help! <3
Hello peachy001, added you as a friend. Please send me the invite.
GT: crazylalith
Thanks for doing this.
I need the message and the friend bit. The message allows me to very quickly add people.

All instructions are in the first post. Good look people.
I need the message and the friend bit. The message allows me to very quickly add people.

All instructions are in the first post. Good look people.
Hi peachy001, I added you and sent you a message. Could you please invite me to the preview program? GT: xxkyh. Thanks.

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