Xbox preview invites

hey Peachy! Sent you a message......gamertag is the same as my user name here. Thanks in advance! this is a real nice thing to do
Hi Peachy, just followed your instructions per first post. Thanks and can't wait!

On a side note, today's ridiculously awesome news had me pounding on the doors of friends that haven't upgraded to the XB1 or are still on PS - lol
Could anyone invite me to the preview program? Please and thanks! My gamer tag is BigJLovesFood63 exactly as written! Thanks!
Can someone please send me an invite? Gamer tag: ilaiyaraaja

PS--I have added and messaged peachy001

Guys.... Just a recap..... Read the first post, and I'll send you the invite. Be aware, that I have had quite a few requests today. Hence the reason for the first post.
I added you as a friend and sent you a message, don't know if the message went through or not since I used the Smartglass app.
Got you.

Oddly, some don't. But 99.9% do. Thanks for following the first post in this thread, helps immensely. Be aware that not everyone gets in first time. If you hear nothing within 7 days, drop me a line.

Also, to everyone else, I am still happy to do them. Be aware that I may not always be sat in front of my Xbox, so be patient. Also, days like today are busy, and I reply to every request once I do my bit, which takes time.

Good look people.
Just Requested , sent a friendly message , Xbox live is , HeisenbergTFB , thank you (is in my husbands name lol , )
Hi peachy001 - per your first post: I've added you and sent a message via the XB1 messaging function. Thanks for doing all of this for the community! Gamer tag: Sgt John Sparta.
Hi Peachy001
Sent a message via Xbox One as requested.
Appreciate your efforts in trying to get so many people on the preview.
GamerTag: Devious626

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